version: 2 jobs: build-website: # setting the working_directory along with the checkout path allows us to not have # to cd into the website/ directory for commands working_directory: ~/project/website docker: - image: hashicorp/middleman-hashicorp:0.3.35 steps: - checkout: path: ~/project # restores gem cache - restore_cache: key: static-site-gems-v1-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }} - run: name: install gems command: bundle check || bundle install --path vendor/bundle --retry=3 # saves gem cache if we have changed the Gemfile - save_cache: key: static-site-gems-v1-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }} paths: - ~/project/website/vendor/bundle - run: name: middleman build command: bundle exec middleman build - run: name: website deploy command: ./scripts/ # build frontend yarn cache frontend-cache: docker: - image: circleci/node:8 steps: - checkout # cache yarn deps - restore_cache: key: consul-ui-v1-{{ checksum "ui-v2/yarn.lock" }} - run: name: install yarn packages command: cd ui-v2 && yarn install - save_cache: key: consul-ui-v1-{{ checksum "ui-v2/yarn.lock" }} paths: - ui-v2/node_modules # build ember so frontend tests run faster ember-build: docker: - image: circleci/node:8 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: consul-ui-v1-{{ checksum "ui-v2/yarn.lock" }} - run: cd ui-v2 && yarn build-ci --output-path=dist # saves the build to a workspace to be passed to a downstream job - persist_to_workspace: root: ui-v2 paths: - dist # run ember frontend tests ember-test: docker: - image: circleci/node:8-browsers environment: EMBER_TEST_PARALLEL: true #enables test parallelization with ember-exam EMBER_TEST_REPORT: test-results/report.xml #outputs test report for CircleCI test summary parallelism: 4 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: consul-ui-v1-{{ checksum "ui-v2/yarn.lock" }} - attach_workspace: at: ui-v2 - run: working_directory: ui-v2 command: node_modules/ember-cli/bin/ember exam --split=$CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL --partition=`expr $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX + 1` --path dist --silent -r xunit - store_test_results: path: ui-v2/test-results workflows: version: 2 website: jobs: - build-website: context: static-sites filters: branches: only: stable-website frontend: jobs: - frontend-cache - ember-build: requires: - frontend-cache - ember-test: requires: - ember-build