@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / nodes / sorting Scenario: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1" And 6 node models from yaml --- - Node: Node-A Checks: - Status: critical - Node: Node-B Checks: - Status: passing - Node: Node-C Checks: - Status: warning - Node: Node-D Checks: - Status: critical - Node: Node-E Checks: - Status: critical - Node: Node-F Checks: - Status: warning --- When I visit the nodes page for yaml --- dc: dc-1 --- When I click selected on the sort When I click options.3.button on the sort Then I see name on the nodes vertically like yaml --- - Node-B - Node-C - Node-F - Node-A - Node-D - Node-E --- When I click selected on the sort When I click options.2.button on the sort Then I see name on the nodes vertically like yaml --- - Node-A - Node-D - Node-E - Node-C - Node-F - Node-B --- When I click selected on the sort When I click options.0.button on the sort Then I see name on the nodes vertically like yaml --- - Node-A - Node-B - Node-C - Node-D - Node-E - Node-F --- When I click selected on the sort When I click options.1.button on the sort Then I see name on the nodes vertically like yaml --- - Node-F - Node-E - Node-D - Node-C - Node-B - Node-A ---