{{#if (eq @item.Type 'kubernetes')}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Type'}}
{{#each (array "MaxTokenTTL" "TokenLocality" "DisplayName" "Description") as |value|}} {{#if (get @item value)}}
{{t (concat "models.auth-method." value)}}
{{get @item value}}
{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if @item.Config.Host}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.Host'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.CACert}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.CACert'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.ServiceAccountJWT}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.ServiceAccountJWT'}}
{{#each (array "MaxTokenTTL" "TokenLocality" "DisplayName" "Description") as |value|}} {{#if (get @item value)}}
{{t (concat "models.auth-method." value)}}
{{get @item value}}
{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if (eq @item.Type 'jwt')}} {{#if @item.Config.JWKSURL}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.JWKSURL'}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.JWKSCACert'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.JWTValidationPubKeys}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.JWTValidationPubKeys'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.OIDCDiscoveryURL}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.OIDCDiscoveryURL'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.JWTSupportedAlgs}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.JWTSupportedAlgs'}}
{{join ', ' @item.Config.JWTSupportedAlgs}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.BoundAudiences}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.BoundAudiences'}}
    {{#each @item.Config.BoundAudiences as |bond|}}
  • {{bond}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{#each (array "BoundIssuer" "ExpirationLeeway" "NotBeforeLeeway" "ClockSkewLeeway") as |value|}} {{#if (get @item.Config value)}}
{{t (concat "models.auth-method.Config." value)}}
{{get @item.Config value}}
{{/if}} {{/each}} {{else if (eq @item.Type 'oidc')}} {{#if @item.Config.OIDCDiscoveryURL}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.OIDCDiscoveryURL'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.OIDCDiscoveryCACert}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.OIDCDiscoveryCACert'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.OIDCClientID}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.OIDCClientID'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.OIDCClientSecret}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.OIDCClientSecret'}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.AllowedRedirectURIs}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.AllowedRedirectURIs'}}
    {{#each @item.Config.AllowedRedirectURIs as |uri|}}
  • {{uri}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.BoundAudiences}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.BoundAudiences'}}
    {{#each @item.Config.BoundAudiences as |bond|}}
  • {{bond}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.OIDCScopes}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.OIDCScopes'}}
    {{#each @item.Config.OIDCScopes as |scope|}}
  • {{scope}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.JWTSupportedAlgs}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.JWTSupportedAlgs'}}
{{join ', ' @item.Config.JWTSupportedAlgs}}
{{/if}} {{#if @item.Config.VerboseOIDCLogging}}
{{t 'models.auth-method.Config.VerboseOIDCLogging'}}
{{/if}} {{/if}}

Claim Mappings

{{#if @item.Config.ClaimMappings}}

Use this if the claim you are capturing is singular. When mapped, the values can be any of a number, string, or boolean and will all be stringified when returned.

{{#each (entries @item.Config.ClaimMappings) as |entry|}} {{/each}}
Key Value
{{get entry 0}} {{get entry 1}}

No claim mappings

Use this if the claim you are capturing is singular. When mapped, the values can be any of a number, string, or boolean and will all be stringified when returned.


List Claim Mappings

{{#if @item.Config.ListClaimMappings}}

Use this if the claim you are capturing is list-like (such as groups). When mapped, the values can be any of a number, string, or boolean and will all be stringified when returned.

{{#each (entries @item.Config.ListClaimMappings) as |entry|}} {{/each}}
Key Value
{{get entry 0}} {{get entry 1}}

No list claim mappings

Use this if the claim you are capturing is list-like (such as groups). When mapped, the values can be any of a number, string, or boolean and will all be stringified when returned.
