## Running the Google Cloud Platform templates to set up a Consul cluster The platform variable defines the target OS, default is `ubuntu`. Supported Machine Images: - Ubuntu 14.04 (`ubuntu`) - RHEL6 (`rhel6`) - RHEL7 (`rhel7`) - CentOS6 (`centos6`) - CentOS7 (`centos7`) For Google Cloud provider, set up your environment as outlined here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/index.html To set up a Ubuntu based cluster, replace `key_path` with actual value and run: ```shell terraform apply -var 'key_path=/Users/xyz/consul.pem' ``` _or_ ```shell terraform apply -var 'key_path=/Users/xyz/consul.pem' -var 'platform=ubuntu' ``` To run RHEL6, run like below: ```shell terraform apply -var 'key_path=/Users/xyz/consul.pem' -var 'platform=rhel6' ``` **Note:** For RHEL and CentOS based clusters, you need to have a [SSH key added](https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/metadata/sshKeys) for the user `root`.