service: search-bar: kind: Service Type in-mesh: In service mesh not-in-mesh: Not in service mesh upstream: search-bar: instance: name: Type service-instance: search-bar: sort: name: name: Service Name health-check: search-bar: kind: name: Kind options: service: Service Check node: Node Check check: name: Type options: alias: alias docker: docker grpc: grpc http: http script: script serf: serf tcp: tcp ttl: ttl sort: name: name: Check Name kind: name: Check Type asc: Service to Node desc: Node to Service acl: search-bar: kind: name: Type options: management: Management client: Client token: search-bar: kind: name: Type options: global-management: Global Management global: Global Scope local: Local Scope secretID: Secret ID policy: search-bar: kind: name: Type options: global-management: Global Management standard: Standard auth-method: search-bar: kind: name: Type locality: name: Source options: local: Creates local tokens global: Creates global tokens binding-list: bind-type: service: The bind name value is used as an ACLServiceIdentity.ServiceName field in the token that is created. node: The bind name value is used as an ACLNodeIdentity.NodeName field in the token that is created. role: The bind name value is used as an RoleLink.Name field in the token that is created. kv: search-bar: kind: name: Type options: folder: Folder key: Key sort: kind: asc: Folders to Keys desc: Keys to Folders intention: search-bar: access: name: Permission options: allow: Allow deny: Deny app-aware: App aware sort: access: name: Permission asc: Allow to Deny desc: Deny to Allow source-name: name: Source asc: "Source: A to Z" desc: "Source: Z to A" destination-name: name: Destination asc: "Destination: A to Z" desc: "Destination: Z to A" precedence: name: Precedence asc: Ascending desc: Descending notice: permissions: body: Permissions are L7 attributes. If any of the following permissions match the request, the Intention will apply. Requests that fail to match any of the provided routes will follow the default ACL policy. footer: Learn more about permissions transparent-proxy: Transparent Proxy topology-metrics: source-type: proxy-registration: tooltip: This connection was defined in a proxy registration. text: Defined in proxy registration routing-config: tooltip: This is not a registered Consul service. It’s a routing configuration that routes traffic to real services in Consul. text: Routing configuration popover: l7: header: Layer 7 permissions body: Certain HTTP request info must be identified. action: View deny: header: Connection Denied body: isExact: Change the action of this intention to allow. notExact: Add an intention that allows these two services to connect. action: isExact: Allow notExact: Create not-defined: header: No traffic body: Add "{upstream}" as an explicit upstream of "{downstream}" or set the "{downstream}" proxy to "transparent" mode to enable traffic. action: Documentation status: error: Unable to load metrics remote-dc: Unable to fetch metrics for a remote datacenter loading: Loading metrics ingress-gateway: Viewing metrics for Ingress Gateways is not currently supported in the UI. source: header: This is not a registered Consul service. It’s a routing configuration that routes traffic to real services in Consul. For more information, read our documentation. menu-title: About Routing Configs links: documentation: Documentation