@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / services / error Scenario: Arriving at the service page that doesn't exist Given 2 datacenter models from yaml --- - dc-1 - dc-2 --- When I visit the services page for yaml --- dc: 404-datacenter --- Then I see the text "404 (Page not found)" in "[data-test-error]" @notNamespaceable Scenario: Arriving at the service page Given 2 datacenter models from yaml --- - dc-1 - dc-2 --- Given the url "/v1/internal/ui/services" responds with a 500 status When I visit the services page for yaml --- dc: dc-1 --- Then I see the text "500 (The backend responded with an error)" in "[data-test-error]" # This is the actual step that works slightly differently # When running through namespaces as the dc menu says 'Error' # which is still kind of ok When I click dc on the navigation And I see 2 datacenter models