import RepositoryService from 'consul-ui/services/repository'; import isFolder from 'consul-ui/utils/isFolder'; import { get } from '@ember/object'; import { PRIMARY_KEY } from 'consul-ui/models/kv'; import { ACCESS_LIST } from 'consul-ui/abilities/base'; import dataSource from 'consul-ui/decorators/data-source'; const modelName = 'kv'; export default class KvService extends RepositoryService { getModelName() { return modelName; } getPrimaryKey() { return PRIMARY_KEY; } // this one gives you the full object so key,values and meta @dataSource('/:ns/:dc/kv/*id') async findBySlug(params, configuration = {}) { if (isFolder( { // we only use findBySlug for a folder when we are looking to create a // parent for a key for retriveing something Model shaped. Therefore we // only use existing records or a fake record with the correct Key, // which means we don't need to inspect permissions as its an already // existing KV or a fake one // TODO: This very much shouldn't be here, // needs to eventually use ember-datas generateId thing // in the meantime at least our fingerprinter const uid = JSON.stringify([params.ns, params.dc,]); let item =, uid); if (!item) { item = this.create({ Key:, Datacenter: params.dc, Namespace: params.ns, }); } return item; } else { return super.findBySlug(...arguments); } } // this one only gives you keys // findAllBySlug(params, configuration = {}) { if ( === '/') { = ''; } return this.authorizeBySlug( async () => { params.separator = '/'; if (typeof configuration.cursor !== 'undefined') { params.index = configuration.cursor; } let items; try { items = await, params); } catch (e) { if (get(e, 'errors.firstObject.status') === '404') { // TODO: This very much shouldn't be here, // needs to eventually use ember-datas generateId thing // in the meantime at least our fingerprinter const uid = JSON.stringify([params.ns, params.dc,]); const record =, uid); if (record) { record.unloadRecord(); } } throw e; } return items.filter(item => !== get(item, 'Key')); }, ACCESS_LIST, params ); } }