--- layout: api page_title: Certificate Authority - Connect - HTTP API sidebar_title: Certificate Authority (CA) description: |- The /connect/ca endpoints provide tools for interacting with Connect's Certificate Authority mechanism via Consul's HTTP API. --- # Certificate Authority (CA) - Connect HTTP API The `/connect/ca` endpoints provide tools for interacting with Connect's Certificate Authority mechanism. ## List CA Root Certificates This endpoint returns the current list of trusted CA root certificates in the cluster. | Method | Path | Produces | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------------ | | `GET` | `/connect/ca/roots` | `application/json` | The table below shows this endpoint's support for [blocking queries](/api/features/blocking), [consistency modes](/api/features/consistency), [agent caching](/api/features/caching), and [required ACLs](/api#authentication). | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required | | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------ | | `YES` | `all` | `none` | `none` | ### Sample Request ```shell-session $ curl \ ``` ### Sample Response ```json { "ActiveRootID": "c7:bd:55:4b:64:80:14:51:10:a4:b9:b9:d7:e0:75:3f:86:ba:bb:24", "TrustDomain": "7f42f496-fbc7-8692-05ed-334aa5340c1e.consul", "Roots": [ { "ID": "c7:bd:55:4b:64:80:14:51:10:a4:b9:b9:d7:e0:75:3f:86:ba:bb:24", "Name": "Consul CA Root Cert", "SerialNumber": 7, "SigningKeyID": "2d:09:5d:84:b9:89:4b:dd:e3:88:bb:9c:e2:b2:69:81:1f:4b:a6:fd:4d:df:ee:74:63:f3:74:55:ca:b0:b5:65", "ExternalTrustDomain": "a1499528-fbf6-df7b-05e5-ae81e1873fc4", "NotBefore": "2018-05-25T21:39:23Z", "NotAfter": "2028-05-22T21:39:23Z", "RootCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nJ6lvm3HzEQw2AiEA4PVqWt+z8fsQht0cACM42kghL97SgDSf8rgCqfLYMng=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n", "IntermediateCerts": null, "Active": true, "PrivateKeyType": "ec", "PrivateKeyBits": 256, "CreateIndex": 8, "ModifyIndex": 8 } ] } ``` ## Get CA Configuration This endpoint returns the current CA configuration. | Method | Path | Produces | | ------ | --------------------------- | ------------------ | | `GET` | `/connect/ca/configuration` | `application/json` | The table below shows this endpoint's support for [blocking queries](/api/features/blocking), [consistency modes](/api/features/consistency), [agent caching](/api/features/caching), and [required ACLs](/api#authentication). | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required | | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | --------------- | | `YES` | `all` | `none` | `operator:read` | ### Sample Request ```shell-session $ curl \ ``` ### Sample Response ```json { "Provider": "consul", "Config": { "LeafCertTTL": "72h", "RotationPeriod": "2160h", "IntermediateCertTTL": "8760h" }, "CreateIndex": 5, "ModifyIndex": 5 } ``` ## Update CA Configuration This endpoint updates the configuration for the CA. If this results in a new root certificate being used, the [Root Rotation](/docs/connect/ca#root-certificate-rotation) process will be triggered. | Method | Path | Produces | | ------ | --------------------------- | ------------------ | | `PUT` | `/connect/ca/configuration` | `application/json` | The table below shows this endpoint's support for [blocking queries](/api/features/blocking), [consistency modes](/api/features/consistency), [agent caching](/api/features/caching), and [required ACLs](/api#authentication). | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required | | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ---------------- | | `NO` | `none` | `none` | `operator:write` | ### Parameters - `Provider` `(string: )` - Specifies the CA provider type to use. - `Config` `(map[string]string: )` - The raw configuration to use for the chosen provider. For more information on configuring the Connect CA providers, see [Provider Config](/docs/connect/ca). - `ForceWithoutCrossSigning` `(bool: )` - Indicates that the CA change should be force to complete even if the current CA doesn't support cross signing. Changing root without cross-signing may cause temporary connection failures until the rollout completes. See [Forced Rotation Without Cross-Signing](/docs/connect/ca#forced-rotation-without-cross-signing) for more detail. ### Sample Payload ```json { "Provider": "consul", "Config": { "LeafCertTTL": "72h", "PrivateKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...", "RootCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...", "RotationPeriod": "2160h", "IntermediateCertTTL": "8760h" }, "ForceWithoutCrossSigning": false } ``` ### Sample Request ```shell-session $ curl \ --request PUT \ --data @payload.json \ ```