--- version: 2 references: images: go: &GOLANG_IMAGE circleci/golang:1.14.4 middleman: &MIDDLEMAN_IMAGE hashicorp/middleman-hashicorp:0.3.40 ember: &EMBER_IMAGE circleci/node:12-browsers paths: test-results: &TEST_RESULTS_DIR /tmp/test-results cache: yarn: &YARN_CACHE_KEY consul-ui-v2-{{ checksum "ui-v2/yarn.lock" }} rubygem: &RUBYGEM_CACHE_KEY static-site-gems-v1-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }} environment: &ENVIRONMENT TEST_RESULTS_DIR: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR GOTESTSUM_RELEASE: 0.4.2 EMAIL: noreply@hashicorp.com GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: circleci-consul GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: circleci-consul S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET: consul-dev-artifacts BASH_ENV: .circleci/bash_env.sh VAULT_BINARY_VERSION: 1.2.2 jobs: # lint consul tests lint-consul-retry: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE steps: - checkout - run: go get -u github.com/hashicorp/lint-consul-retry && lint-consul-retry # Runs Go linters lint: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise steps: - checkout - run: name: Install golangci-lint command: | download=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh wget -O- -q $download | sh -x -s -- -d -b /go/bin/ v1.23.6 - run: go mod download - run: name: lint command: &lintcmd | golangci-lint run --build-tags="$GOTAGS" -v --concurrency 2 - run: name: lint api working_directory: api command: *lintcmd - run: name: lint sdk working_directory: sdk command: *lintcmd # checks vendor directory is correct check-vendor: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout - run: command: make update-vendor - run: | if ! git diff --exit-code; then echo "Git directory has vendor changes" exit 1 fi go-test: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE parallelism: 4 environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise # GOMAXPROCS defaults to number of cores on underlying hardware, set # explicitly to avoid OOM issues https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034684273-common-GoLang-memory-issues GOMAXPROCS: 4 # The medium resource class (default) boxes are 2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM # https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/#docker-executor # but we can run a little over that limit. steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /go/bin - run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y rsyslog - run: sudo service rsyslog start - run: &install_gotestsum name: Install gotestsum command: | url=https://github.com/gotestyourself/gotestsum/releases/download curl -sSL "${url}/v${GOTESTSUM_RELEASE}/gotestsum_${GOTESTSUM_RELEASE}_linux_amd64.tar.gz" | \ sudo tar -xz --overwrite -C /usr/local/bin gotestsum - run: go mod download - run: name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR PACKAGE_NAMES=$(go list ./... | circleci tests split --split-by=timings --timings-type=classname) echo "Running $(echo $PACKAGE_NAMES | wc -w) packages" echo $PACKAGE_NAMES gotestsum --format=short-verbose \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/gotestsum-report.xml -- \ -tags="$GOTAGS" -p 2 \ -cover -coverprofile=coverage.txt \ $PACKAGE_NAMES - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - run: &codecov_upload name: codecov upload when: always # The -C flag shouldn't be necessary, but it fails to find the commit # without it. command: bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -C "$CIRCLE_SHA1" # split off a job for the API package since it is separate go-test-api: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /go/bin - run: *install_gotestsum - run: working_directory: api command: go mod download - run: working_directory: api name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR gotestsum \ --format=short-verbose \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/gotestsum-report.xml -- \ -tags="$GOTAGS" -cover -coverprofile=coverage.txt \ ./... - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - run: *codecov_upload # split off a job for the SDK package since it is separate go-test-sdk: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /go/bin - run: *install_gotestsum - run: working_directory: sdk command: go mod download - run: working_directory: sdk name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR gotestsum \ --format=short-verbose \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/gotestsum-report.xml -- \ -tags=$GOTAGS -cover -coverprofile=coverage.txt \ ./... - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - run: *codecov_upload # build all distros build-distros: &build-distros docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: &build-env <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout - run: ./build-support/scripts/build-local.sh # save dev build to CircleCI - store_artifacts: path: ./pkg/bin # build all 386 architecture supported OS binaries build-386: <<: *build-distros environment: <<: *build-env XC_OS: "darwin freebsd linux windows" XC_ARCH: "386" # build all amd64 architecture supported OS binaries build-amd64: <<: *build-distros environment: <<: *build-env XC_OS: "darwin freebsd linux solaris windows" XC_ARCH: "amd64" # build all arm/arm64 architecture supported OS binaries build-arm: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT CGO_ENABLED: 1 GOOS: linux steps: - checkout - run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu - run: environment: GOARM: 5 CC: arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc GOARCH: arm command: go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_armel/consul -ldflags="-linkmode=external ${GOLDFLAGS}" - run: environment: GOARM: 6 CC: arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc GOARCH: arm command: go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_armhf/consul -ldflags="-linkmode=external ${GOLDFLAGS}" - run: environment: CC: aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc GOARCH: arm64 command: go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_aarch64/consul -ldflags="-linkmode=external ${GOLDFLAGS}" - store_artifacts: path: ./pkg/bin # create a development build dev-build: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: # this normally runs as the first job and has nothing to attach; only used in master branch after rebuilding UI at: . - run: command: make dev # save dev build to pass to downstream jobs - persist_to_workspace: root: /go/bin paths: - consul # upload development build to s3 dev-upload-s3: docker: - image: circleci/python:stretch environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - run: name: Install awscli command: sudo pip install awscli # get consul binary - attach_workspace: at: bin/ - run: name: package binary command: tar -czf consul.tar.gz -C bin/ . - run: name: Upload to s3 command: | if [ -n "${S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}" ]; then aws s3 cp \ --metadata "CIRCLECI=${CIRCLECI},CIRCLE_BUILD_URL=${CIRCLE_BUILD_URL},CIRCLE_BRANCH=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" \ "consul.tar.gz" "s3://${S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET}/${S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}/${CIRCLE_SHA1}.tar.gz" else echo "CircleCI - S3_ARTIFACT_PATH was not set" exit 1 fi # upload dev docker image dev-upload-docker: docker: - image: circleci/golang:latest # use a circleci image so the attach_workspace step works (has ca-certs installed) environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout # get consul binary - attach_workspace: at: bin/ - setup_remote_docker - run: make ci.dev-docker # Nomad 0.8 builds on go0.10 # Run integration tests on nomad/v0.8.7 nomad-integration-0_8: docker: - image: circleci/golang:1.10 environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT NOMAD_WORKING_DIR: &NOMAD_WORKING_DIR /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/nomad NOMAD_VERSION: v0.8.7 steps: &NOMAD_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS - run: git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad.git --branch ${NOMAD_VERSION} ${NOMAD_WORKING_DIR} # get consul binary - attach_workspace: at: /go/bin # make dev build of nomad - run: command: make pkg/linux_amd64/nomad working_directory: *NOMAD_WORKING_DIR - run: *install_gotestsum # run integration tests - run: name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR gotestsum \ --format=short-verbose \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/results.xml -- \ ./command/agent/consul -run TestConsul working_directory: *NOMAD_WORKING_DIR # store test results for CircleCI - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR # run integration tests on nomad/master nomad-integration-master: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT NOMAD_WORKING_DIR: /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/nomad NOMAD_VERSION: master steps: *NOMAD_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS build-website-docker-image: docker: - image: circleci/buildpack-deps shell: /usr/bin/env bash -euo pipefail -c steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Build Docker Image if Necessary command: | # Ignore job if running an enterprise build IMAGE_TAG=$(cat website/Dockerfile website/package-lock.json | sha256sum | awk '{print $1;}') echo "Using $IMAGE_TAG" if [ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" != "git@github.com:hashicorp/consul.git" ]; then echo "Not Consul OSS Repo, not building website docker image" elif curl https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/hashicorp/consul-website/tags/$IMAGE_TAG -fsL > /dev/null; then echo "Dependencies have not changed, not building a new website docker image." else cd website/ docker build -t hashicorp/consul-website:$IMAGE_TAG . docker tag hashicorp/consul-website:$IMAGE_TAG hashicorp/consul-website:latest docker login -u $WEBSITE_DOCKER_USER -p $WEBSITE_DOCKER_PASS docker push hashicorp/consul-website fi # build frontend yarn cache frontend-cache: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE steps: - checkout # cache yarn deps - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - run: name: install yarn packages command: cd ui-v2 && yarn install - save_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY paths: - ui-v2/node_modules # build ember so frontend tests run faster ember-build-oss: &ember-build-oss docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: JOBS: 2 # limit parallelism for broccoli-babel-transpiler CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: 0 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - run: cd ui-v2 && make build-ci # saves the build to a workspace to be passed to a downstream job - persist_to_workspace: root: ui-v2 paths: - dist # build ember so frontend tests run faster ember-build-ent: <<: *ember-build-oss environment: JOBS: 2 # limit parallelism for broccoli-babel-transpiler CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: 1 # rebuild UI for packaging ember-build-prod: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: JOBS: 2 # limit parallelism for broccoli-babel-transpiler steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - run: cd ui-v2 && make # saves the build to a workspace to be passed to a downstream job - persist_to_workspace: root: ui-v2 paths: - dist # build static-assets file build-static-assets: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ./pkg - run: mv pkg/dist pkg/web_ui # 'make static-assets' looks for the 'pkg/web_ui' path - run: make tools - run: make static-assets - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - ./agent/bindata_assetfs.go # run ember frontend tests ember-test-oss: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: EMBER_TEST_REPORT: test-results/report-oss.xml #outputs test report for CircleCI test summary EMBER_TEST_PARALLEL: true #enables test parallelization with ember-exam CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: 0 parallelism: 4 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui-v2 - run: working_directory: ui-v2 command: node_modules/.bin/ember exam --split=$CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL --partition=`expr $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX + 1` --path dist --silent -r xunit - store_test_results: path: ui-v2/test-results # run ember frontend tests ember-test-ent: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: EMBER_TEST_REPORT: test-results/report-ent.xml #outputs test report for CircleCI test summary EMBER_TEST_PARALLEL: true #enables test parallelization with ember-exam parallelism: 4 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui-v2 - run: working_directory: ui-v2 command: node_modules/.bin/ember exam --split=$CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL --partition=`expr $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX + 1` --path dist --silent -r xunit - store_test_results: path: ui-v2/test-results # run ember frontend unit tests to produce coverage report ember-coverage: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui-v2 - run: working_directory: ui-v2 command: make test-coverage-ci - run: name: codecov ui upload working_directory: ui-v2 command: bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -v -c -C $CIRCLE_SHA1 -F ui envoy-integration-test-1.11.2: docker: # We only really need bash and docker-compose which is installed on all # Circle images but pick Go since we have to pick one of them. - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.11.2" steps: &ENVOY_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS - checkout # Get go binary from workspace - attach_workspace: at: . - setup_remote_docker # Build the consul-dev image from the already built binary - run: docker build -t consul-dev -f ./build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile . - run: name: Envoy Integration Tests command: | mkdir -p /tmp/test-results/ gotestsum -- -timeout=30m -tags integration ./test/integration/connect/envoy environment: GOTESTSUM_JUNITFILE: /tmp/test-results/results.xml GOTESTSUM_FORMAT: standard-verbose COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI: 1 # tput complains if this isn't set to something. TERM: ansi - store_artifacts: path: ./test/integration/connect/envoy/workdir/logs destination: container-logs - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR envoy-integration-test-1.12.4: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.12.4" steps: *ENVOY_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS envoy-integration-test-1.13.2: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.13.2" steps: *ENVOY_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS envoy-integration-test-1.14.2: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.14.2" steps: *ENVOY_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS # run integration tests for the connect ca providers test-connect-ca-providers: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - run: name: Install vault command: | wget -q -O /tmp/vault.zip https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/${VAULT_BINARY_VERSION}/vault_${VAULT_BINARY_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin /tmp/vault.zip rm -rf /tmp/vault* - checkout - run: go mod download - run: name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR make test-connect-ca-providers - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR # only runs on master: checks latest commit to see if the PR associated has a backport/* or docs* label to cherry-pick cherry-picker: docker: - image: alpine:3.11 steps: - run: apk add --no-cache --no-progress git bash curl ncurses jq openssh-client - checkout - add_ssh_keys: # needs a key to push cherry-picked commits back to github fingerprints: - "c9:04:b7:85:bf:0e:ce:93:5f:b8:0e:68:8e:16:f3:71" - run: .circleci/scripts/cherry-picker.sh workflows: version: 2 go-tests: jobs: - check-vendor: &filter-ignore-non-go-branches filters: branches: ignore: - stable-website - /^docs\/.*/ - /^ui\/.*/ - lint-consul-retry: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - lint: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - test-connect-ca-providers: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - dev-build: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - go-test: requires: [dev-build] - go-test-api: requires: [dev-build] - go-test-sdk: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches build-distros: jobs: - check-vendor: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - build-386: &require-check-vendor requires: - check-vendor - build-amd64: *require-check-vendor - build-arm: *require-check-vendor # every commit on ui-staging and master will have a rebuilt UI - frontend-cache: filters: branches: only: - master - ui-staging - ember-build-prod: requires: - frontend-cache - build-static-assets: requires: - ember-build-prod - dev-build: requires: - build-static-assets - dev-upload-s3: requires: - dev-build - dev-upload-docker: requires: - dev-build context: consul-ci test-integrations: jobs: - dev-build: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - dev-upload-s3: &dev-upload requires: - dev-build filters: branches: ignore: - /^pull\/.*$/ # only push dev builds from non forks - master # all master dev uploads will include a UI rebuild in build-distros - ui-staging # all ui-staging dev uploads will include a UI rebuild in build-distros - dev-upload-docker: <<: *dev-upload context: consul-ci - nomad-integration-master: requires: - dev-build - nomad-integration-0_8: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1.11.2: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1.12.4: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1.13.2: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1.14.2: requires: - dev-build website: jobs: - build-website-docker-image: context: website-docker-image filters: branches: only: - master frontend: jobs: - frontend-cache: filters: branches: only: - master - ui-staging - /^ui\/.*/ - ember-build-oss: requires: - frontend-cache - ember-build-ent: requires: - frontend-cache - ember-test-oss: requires: - ember-build-oss - ember-test-ent: requires: - ember-build-ent - ember-coverage: requires: - ember-build-ent cherry-pick: jobs: - cherry-picker: context: team-consul filters: branches: only: - master