GOTOOLS = \ DEPS = $(shell go list -f '{{range .TestImports}}{{.}} {{end}}' ./...) PACKAGES = $(shell go list ./...) VETARGS?=-asmdecl -atomic -bool -buildtags -copylocks -methods \ -nilfunc -printf -rangeloops -shift -structtags -unsafeptr VERSION?=$(shell awk -F\" '/^const Version/ { print $$2; exit }' version.go) all: deps format @mkdir -p bin/ @bash --norc -i ./scripts/ # bin generates the releasable binaries bin: generate @sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" # dev creates binaries for testing locally - these are put into ./bin and $GOPATH dev: generate @CONSUL_DEV=1 sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" # dist creates the binaries for distibution dist: bin @sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/' $(VERSION)" cov: gocov test ./... | gocov-html > /tmp/coverage.html open /tmp/coverage.html deps: @echo "--> Installing build dependencies" @go get -v $(GOTOOLS) @go get -d -v ./... $(DEPS) updatedeps: deps go get -u -v $(GOTOOLS) go list ./... \ | xargs go list -f '{{join .Deps "\n"}}' \ | grep -v \ | grep -v '/internal/' \ | sort -u \ | xargs go get -f -u -v test: deps @$(MAKE) vet @./scripts/ @./scripts/ cover: deps ./scripts/ go list ./... | xargs -n1 go test --cover format: deps @echo "--> Running go fmt" @go fmt $(PACKAGES) vet: @go tool vet 2>/dev/null ; if [ $$? -eq 3 ]; then \ go get; \ fi @echo "--> Running go tool vet $(VETARGS) ." @go tool vet $(VETARGS) . ; if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then \ echo ""; \ echo "Vet found suspicious constructs. Please check the reported constructs"; \ echo "and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for reviewal."; \ fi # generate runs `go generate` to build the dynamically generated source files generate: deps find . -type f -name '.DS_Store' -delete go generate ./... # generates the static web ui static-assets: deps @echo "--> Generating static assets" @go-bindata-assetfs -pkg agent -prefix pkg ./pkg/web_ui/... @mv bindata_assetfs.go command/agent $(MAKE) format web: ./scripts/ web-push: ./scripts/ .PHONY: all bin dev dist cov deps test vet web web-push generate test-nodep static-assets