ARG CONSUL_BUILD_IMAGE FROM ${CONSUL_BUILD_IMAGE}:latest as builder # FROM golang:latest as builder ARG GIT_COMMIT ARG GIT_DIRTY ARG GIT_DESCRIBE # WORKDIR /go/src/ ENV CONSUL_DEV=1 ENV COLORIZE=0 # Cache modules separately from more frequently edited source files. # # The trick is taken from [] # # We copy the modules files in first since they are less likely to change frequently # and the population of the go mod cache will be invalidated less frequently. COPY go.mod . COPY go.sum . RUN mkdir -p api sdk COPY api/go.mod api COPY api/go.sum api COPY sdk/go.mod sdk COPY sdk/go.sum sdk RUN go mod download # Add the rest of the code. ADD . /consul/ RUN make dev FROM consul:latest COPY --from=builder /go/bin/consul /bin