#!/bin/bash # # Script for bringing up an N node consul cluster # on the local machine on different ports. # # The first node is listening on the default ports # so that the command line tool works. # # Examples: # # 3-node cluster: # # $ consul-cluster.bash # $ consul-cluster.bash 3 # # 5-node cluster with specific consul version: # # $ consul-cluster.bash 5 ~/consul-0.7.5/consul config() { local port=${1:-0} local name="consul${port}" local nodeid=$(printf "00000000-0000-0000-0000-%012d" $port) local path="$DIR/${name}" cat << EOF > "${path}/a.json" { "server" : true, "node_id" : "${nodeid}", "node_name" : "${name}", "data_dir" : "${name}/data", "pid_file" : "${name}/pid", "bind_addr" : "", "retry_join" : ["","",""], "bootstrap_expect" : ${N}, "ports" : { "http" : $((8500 + $port)), "dns" : $((8600 + $port)), "server" : $((8300 + 3*$port)), "serf_lan" : $((8301 + 3*$port)), "serf_wan" : $((8302 + 3*$port)), "rpc" : $((8400 + $port)) } } EOF } trap cleanup EXIT TERM KILL jobs= cleanup() { [ "$jobs" == "" ] || kill $jobs [ "$CLEANDIR" == "y" -a "$DIR" != "" ] && rm -rf "$DIR" } run() { local port=$1 local name=consul${port} local path="$DIR/${name}" rm -rf "${path}" mkdir -p "${path}" config $port ( $CONSUL agent -config-dir "${path}" 2>&1 | tee "${path}/log" ; echo "Exit code: $?" >> "${path}/log" ) & jobs="$jobs $!" } N=3 CONSUL=$(which consul) CLEANDIR=y SLEEP=y while test $# -gt 0 ; do case "$1" in -d|--dir) shift DIR=$1 CLEANDIR=n shift ;; -n|--nodes) shift N=$1 shift ;; -q|--quick) shift SLEEP=n ;; -x|--consul) shift CONSUL=$1 shift ;; *) echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-n nodes] [-x consul] [-d dir]" echo "" echo " -h, --help brief help" echo " -d, --dir temp dir path to the temp directory, default is $DIR" echo " -n, --nodes nodes number of nodes to start, default is $N" echo " -q, --quick do not wait during startup" echo " -x, --consul consul consul binary, default is $CONSUL" exit 0 ;; esac done [ "$DIR" == "" ] && DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/consul-cluster-XXXXXXX) echo "Starting $N node cluster. exe=$CONSUL data=$DIR" [ "$CLEANDIR" == "y" ] && echo "Data files will be removed" echo "Stop with CTRL-C" echo "" [ "$SLEEP" == "y" ] && sleep 3 for ((i=0 ; i < N ; i++)) ; do run $i ; done wait