import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; const size = 336; const insetSize = size / 2 - 8; const inset = function(num) { return insetSize * num; }; const milliseconds = function(num, max) { return max > 0 ? parseInt(max * num) / 100 : 0; }; export default class TomographyGraph extends Component { @tracked max = -999999999; size = size; circle = [inset(1), inset(0.25), inset(0.5), inset(0.75), inset(1)]; labels = [inset(-0.25), inset(-0.5), inset(-0.75), inset(-1)]; get milliseconds() { const distances = this.args.distances || []; const max = distances.reduce((prev, d) => Math.max(prev, d.distance), this.max); return [25, 50, 75, 100].map(item => milliseconds(item, max)); } get distances() { let distances = this.args.distances || []; const max = distances.reduce((prev, d) => Math.max(prev, d.distance), this.max); const len = distances.length; if (len > 360) { // We have more nodes than we want to show, take a random sampling to keep // the number around 360. const sampling = 360 / len; distances = distances.filter(function(_, i) { return i == 0 || i == len - 1 || Math.random() < sampling; }); } return, i) => { return { rotate: (i * 360) / distances.length, y2: insetSize * (d.distance / max), node: d.node, distance: d.distance, segment: d.segment, }; }); } }