@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / services / show: Show Service Scenario: Given various services with various tags, all tags are displayed Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1" And 3 node models And 1 service model from yaml --- - Service: Tags: ['Tag1', 'Tag2'] - Service: Tags: ['Tag3', 'Tag1'] - Service: Tags: ['Tag2', 'Tag3'] --- When I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 --- Then I see the text "Tag1" in "[data-test-tags] span:nth-child(1)" Then I see the text "Tag2" in "[data-test-tags] span:nth-child(2)" Then I see the text "Tag3" in "[data-test-tags] span:nth-child(3)" Scenario: Given various services the various ports on their nodes are displayed Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1" And 3 node models And 1 service model from yaml --- - Checks: - Status: passing Service: ID: passing-service-8080 Port: 8080 Node: Address: - Service: ID: service-8000 Port: 8000 Node: Address: - Service: ID: service-8888 Port: 8888 Node: Address: --- When I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 --- Then I see address on the healthy like yaml --- - "" --- Then I see address on the unhealthy like yaml --- - "" - "" --- Then I see id on the healthy like yaml --- - "passing-service-8080" --- Then I see id on the unhealthy like yaml --- - "service-8000" - "service-8888" ---