import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { env } from '../../../env'; const shouldHaveNspace = function(nspace) { return typeof nspace !== 'undefined' && env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED'); }; module('Integration | Adapter | token', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); const dc = 'dc-1'; const id = 'policy-id'; const undefinedNspace = 'default'; [undefinedNspace, 'team-1', undefined].forEach(nspace => { test(`requestForQuery returns the correct url/method when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `GET /v1/acl/tokens?dc=${dc}`; let actual = adapter.requestForQuery(client.url, { dc: dc, ns: nspace, }); actual = actual.split('\n'); assert.equal(actual.shift().trim(), expected); actual = actual.join('\n').trim(); assert.equal(actual, `${shouldHaveNspace(nspace) ? `ns=${nspace}` : ``}`); }); test(`requestForQuery returns the correct url/method when a policy is specified when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `GET /v1/acl/tokens?policy=${id}&dc=${dc}`; let actual = adapter.requestForQuery(client.url, { dc: dc, policy: id, ns: nspace, }); actual = actual.split('\n'); assert.equal(actual.shift().trim(), expected); actual = actual.join('\n').trim(); assert.equal(actual, `${shouldHaveNspace(nspace) ? `ns=${nspace}` : ``}`); }); test(`requestForQuery returns the correct url/method when a role is specified when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `GET /v1/acl/tokens?role=${id}&dc=${dc}`; let actual = adapter.requestForQuery(client.url, { dc: dc, role: id, ns: nspace, }); actual = actual.split('\n'); assert.equal(actual.shift().trim(), expected); actual = actual.join('\n').trim(); assert.equal(actual, `${shouldHaveNspace(nspace) ? `ns=${nspace}` : ``}`); }); test(`requestForQueryRecord returns the correct url/method when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `GET /v1/acl/token/${id}?dc=${dc}`; let actual = adapter.requestForQueryRecord(client.url, { dc: dc, id: id, ns: nspace, }); actual = actual.split('\n'); assert.equal(actual.shift().trim(), expected); actual = actual.join('\n').trim(); assert.equal(actual, `${shouldHaveNspace(nspace) ? `ns=${nspace}` : ``}`); }); test(`requestForCreateRecord returns the correct url/method when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `PUT /v1/acl/token?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter .requestForCreateRecord( client.url, {}, { Datacenter: dc, Namespace: nspace, } ) .split('\n') .shift(); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test(`requestForUpdateRecord returns the correct url (without Rules it uses the v2 API) when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `PUT /v1/acl/token/${id}?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter .requestForUpdateRecord( client.url, {}, { Datacenter: dc, AccessorID: id, Namespace: nspace, } ) .split('\n') .shift(); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test(`requestForUpdateRecord returns the correct url (with Rules it uses the v1 API) when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `PUT /v1/acl/update?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter .requestForUpdateRecord( client.url, {}, { Rules: 'key {}', Datacenter: dc, AccessorID: id, Namespace: nspace, } ) .split('\n') .shift(); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test(`requestForDeleteRecord returns the correct url/method when the nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `DELETE /v1/acl/token/${id}?dc=${dc}${ shouldHaveNspace(nspace) ? `&ns=${nspace}` : `` }`; const actual = adapter .requestForDeleteRecord( client.url, {}, { Datacenter: dc, AccessorID: id, Namespace: nspace, } ) .split('\n') .shift(); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test(`requestForCloneRecord returns the correct url when the nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `PUT /v1/acl/token/${id}/clone?dc=${dc}${ shouldHaveNspace(nspace) ? `&ns=${nspace}` : `` }`; const actual = adapter .requestForCloneRecord( client.url, {}, { Datacenter: dc, AccessorID: id, Namespace: nspace, } ) .split('\n') .shift(); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); }); test("requestForQueryRecord throws if you don't specify an id", function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); assert.throws(function() { adapter.requestForQueryRecord(client.url, { dc: dc, }); }); }); test('requestForSelf returns the correct url', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const expected = `GET /v1/acl/token/self?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter .requestForSelf( client.url, {}, { dc: dc, } ) .split('\n')[0]; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test('requestForSelf sets a token header using a secret', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:token'); const client = this.owner.lookup('service:client/http'); const secret = 'sssh'; const expected = `X-Consul-Token: ${secret}`; const actual = adapter .requestForSelf( client.url, {}, { dc: dc, secret: secret, } ) .split('\n')[1] .trim(); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); });