import { module } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import test from 'ember-sinon-qunit/test-support/test'; import Service from '@ember/service'; import Route from 'consul-ui/routes/dc/acls/index'; import Mixin from 'consul-ui/mixins/acl/with-actions'; module('Unit | Mixin | acl/with actions', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { this.subject = function() { const MixedIn = Route.extend(Mixin); this.owner.register('test-container:acl/with-actions-object', MixedIn); return this.owner.lookup('test-container:acl/with-actions-object'); }; }); // Replace this with your real tests. test('it works', function(assert) { const subject = this.subject(); assert.ok(subject); }); test('use persists the token', function(assert) { assert.expect(2); const item = { ID: 'id' }; const expected = { Namespace: 'default', AccessorID: null, SecretID: item.ID }; this.owner.register( 'service:settings', Service.extend({ persist: function(actual) { assert.deepEqual(actual.token, expected); return Promise.resolve(actual); }, }) ); const subject = this.subject(); return subject.actions.use .bind(subject)(item) .then(function(actual) { assert.deepEqual(actual.token, expected); }); }); test('clone clones the token and calls afterDelete correctly', function(assert) { assert.expect(4); this.owner.register( 'service:feedback', Service.extend({ execute: function(cb, name) { assert.equal(name, 'clone'); return cb(); }, }) ); const expected = { ID: 'id' }; this.owner.register( 'service:repository/acl', Service.extend({ clone: function(actual) { assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); return Promise.resolve(actual); }, }) ); const subject = this.subject(); const afterDelete = this.stub(subject, 'afterDelete').returnsArg(0); return subject.actions.clone .bind(subject)(expected) .then(function(actual) { assert.ok(afterDelete.calledOnce); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); }); });