#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers @test "ingress proxy admin is up on :20000" { retry_default curl -f -s localhost:20000/stats -o /dev/null } @test "s1 proxy admin is up on :19000" { retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19000/stats -o /dev/null } @test "s2 proxy admin is up on :19001" { retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19001/stats -o /dev/null } @test "s1 proxy listener should be up and have right cert" { assert_proxy_presents_cert_uri localhost:21000 s1 } @test "ingress-gateway should have healthy endpoints for s1" { assert_upstream_has_endpoints_in_status s1 HEALTHY 1 } @test "s1 proxy should have been configured with connection threshold from defaults and service" { CLUSTER_THRESHOLD=$(get_envoy_cluster_config s1.default.primary | jq '.circuit_breakers.thresholds[0]') echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD MAX_CONNS=$(echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD | jq --raw-output '.max_connections') MAX_PENDING_REQS=$(echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD | jq --raw-output '.max_pending_requests') MAX_REQS=$(echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD | jq --raw-output '.max_requests') echo "MAX_CONNS = $MAX_CONNS" echo "MAX_PENDING_REQS = $MAX_PENDING_REQS" echo "MAX_REQS = $MAX_REQS" [ "$MAX_CONNS" = "100" ] [ "$MAX_PENDING_REQS" = "200" ] [ "$MAX_REQS" = "30" ] } @test "s1 proxy should have been configured with outlier detection in ingress gateway" { CLUSTER_THRESHOLD=$(get_envoy_cluster_config s1.default.primary | jq '.outlier_detection') echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD INTERVAL=$(echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD | jq --raw-output '.interval') CONSECTIVE5xx=$(echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD | jq --raw-output '.consecutive_5xx') ENFORCING_CONSECTIVE5xx=$(echo $CLUSTER_THRESHOLD | jq --raw-output '.enforcing_consecutive_5xx') echo "INTERVAL = $INTERVAL" echo "CONSECTIVE5xx = $CONSECTIVE5xx" echo "ENFORCING_CONSECTIVE5xx = $ENFORCING_CONSECTIVE5xx" [ "$INTERVAL" = "5s" ] [ "$CONSECTIVE5xx" = null ] [ "$ENFORCING_CONSECTIVE5xx" = null ] } @test "ingress should be able to connect to s1 via configured port" { run retry_default curl -s -f -d hello localhost:9999 [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [[ "$output" == *"hello"* ]] }