--- layout: commands page_title: 'Commands: Intention' sidebar_title: intention --- # Consul Intention Command: `consul intention` The `intention` command is used to interact with Connect [intentions](/docs/connect/intentions). It exposes commands for creating, updating, reading, deleting, checking, and managing intentions. This command is available in Consul 1.2 and later. Intentions are managed primarily via [`service-intentions`](/docs/agent/config-entries/service-intentions) config entries after Consul 1.9. Intentions may also be managed via the [HTTP API](/api/connect/intentions). ## Usage Usage: `consul intention ` For the exact documentation for your Consul version, run `consul intention -h` to view the complete list of subcommands. ```text Usage: consul intention [options] [args] ... Subcommands: check Check whether a connection between two services is allowed. create Create intentions for service connections. delete Delete an intention. get Show information about an intention. match Show intentions that match a source or destination. ``` For more information, examples, and usage about a subcommand, click on the name of the subcommand in the sidebar. ## Basic Examples Create an intention to allow "web" to talk to "db": ```shell-session $ consul intention create web db ``` Create an intention to deny "db" from initiating connections to _any_ service: ```shell-session $ consul intention create -deny db '*' Created: db => * (deny) ``` Test whether a "web" is allowed to connect to "db": ```shell-session $ consul intention check web db ``` Find all intentions for communicating to the "db" service: ```shell-session $ consul intention match db ``` ## Source and Destination Naming Intention commands commonly take positional arguments referred to as `SRC` and `DST` in the command documentation. These can take several forms: | Format | Meaning | | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `` | the named service in the current namespace | | `*` | any service in the current namespace | | `/` | the named service in a specific namespace | | `/*` | any service in the specified namespace | | `*/*` | any service in any namespace |