import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { hash } from 'rsvp'; import { get } from '@ember/object'; import WithIntentionActions from 'consul-ui/mixins/intention/with-actions'; // TODO: This route and the create Route need merging somehow export default Route.extend(WithIntentionActions, { repo: service('repository/intention'), servicesRepo: service('repository/service'), nspacesRepo: service('repository/nspace/disabled'), buildRouteInfoMetadata: function() { return { history: this.history }; }, model: function(params, transition) { const from = get(transition, 'from'); this.history = []; if (from && get(from, 'name') === '') { this.history.push({ key: get(from, 'name'), value: get(from, ''), }); } const dc = this.modelFor('dc').dc.Name; // We load all of your services that you are able to see here // as even if it doesn't exist in the namespace you are targetting // you may want to add it after you've added the intention const nspace = '*'; return hash({ isLoading: false, item: this.repo.findBySlug(, dc, nspace), services: this.servicesRepo.findAllByDatacenter(dc, nspace), nspaces: this.nspacesRepo.findAll(), history: this.history, }).then(function(model) { return { ...model, ...{ services: [{ Name: '*' }].concat( => get(item, 'Kind') !== 'connect-proxy') ), nspaces: [{ Name: '*' }].concat(model.nspaces.toArray()), }, }; }); }, setupController: function(controller, model) { controller.setProperties(model); }, });