#!/bin/bash # This script is used to configure and run Consul on an AWS server. # SOURCE: GRUNTWORKS set -e readonly AWS_ASG_TAG_KEY="aws:autoscaling:groupName" readonly CONSUL_CONFIG_FILE="default.json" readonly CONSUL_GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG_FILE="gossip-encryption.json" readonly CONSUL_RPC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG_FILE="rpc-encryption.json" readonly SYSTEMD_CONFIG_PATH="/etc/systemd/system/consul.service" readonly EC2_INSTANCE_METADATA_URL="" readonly EC2_INSTANCE_DYNAMIC_DATA_URL="" readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" readonly SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename "$0")" readonly MAX_RETRIES=30 readonly SLEEP_BETWEEN_RETRIES_SEC=10 readonly DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_CLEANUP_DEAD_SERVERS="true" readonly DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_LAST_CONTACT_THRESHOLD="200ms" readonly DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_MAX_TRAILING_LOGS="250" readonly DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_SERVER_STABILIZATION_TIME="10s" readonly DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_REDUNDANCY_ZONE_TAG="az" readonly DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_DISABLE_UPGRADE_MIGRATION="false" function print_usage { echo echo "Usage: run-consul [OPTIONS]" echo echo "This script is used to configure and run Consul on an AWS server." echo echo "Options:" echo echo -e " --server\t\tIf set, run in server mode. Optional. Exactly one of --server or --client must be set." echo -e " --client\t\tIf set, run in client mode. Optional. Exactly one of --server or --client must be set." echo -e " --cluster-tag-key\tAutomatically form a cluster with Instances that have this tag key and the tag value in --cluster-tag-value. Optional." echo -e " --cluster-tag-value\tAutomatically form a cluster with Instances that have the tag key in --cluster-tag-key and this tag value. Optional." echo -e " --datacenter\t\tThe name of the datacenter Consul is running in. Optional. If not specified, will default to AWS region name." echo -e " --config-dir\t\tThe path to the Consul config folder. Optional. Default is the absolute path of '../config', relative to this script." echo -e " --data-dir\t\tThe path to the Consul data folder. Optional. Default is the absolute path of '../data', relative to this script." echo -e " --systemd-stdout\t\tThe StandardOutput option of the systemd unit. Optional. If not configured, uses systemd's default (journal)." echo -e " --systemd-stderr\t\tThe StandardError option of the systemd unit. Optional. If not configured, uses systemd's default (inherit)." echo -e " --bin-dir\t\tThe path to the folder with Consul binary. Optional. Default is the absolute path of the parent folder of this script." echo -e " --user\t\tThe user to run Consul as. Optional. Default is to use the owner of --config-dir." echo -e " --enable-gossip-encryption\t\tEnable encryption of gossip traffic between nodes. Optional. Must also specify --gossip-encryption-key." echo -e " --gossip-encryption-key\t\tThe key to use for encrypting gossip traffic. Optional. Must be specified with --enable-gossip-encryption." echo -e " --enable-rpc-encryption\t\tEnable encryption of RPC traffic between nodes. Optional. Must also specify --ca-file-path, --cert-file-path and --key-file-path." echo -e " --ca-path\t\tPath to the directory of CA files used to verify outgoing connections. Optional. Must be specified with --enable-rpc-encryption." echo -e " --cert-file-path\tPath to the certificate file used to verify incoming connections. Optional. Must be specified with --enable-rpc-encryption and --key-file-path." echo -e " --key-file-path\tPath to the certificate key used to verify incoming connections. Optional. Must be specified with --enable-rpc-encryption and --cert-file-path." echo -e " --environment\t\tA single environment variable in the key/value pair form 'KEY=\"val\"' to pass to Consul as environment variable when starting it up. Repeat this option for additional variables. Optional." echo -e " --skip-consul-config\tIf this flag is set, don't generate a Consul configuration file. Optional. Default is false." echo -e " --recursor\tThis flag provides address of upstream DNS server that is used to recursively resolve queries if they are not inside the service domain for Consul. Repeat this option for additional variables. Optional." echo echo "Options for Consul Autopilot:" echo echo -e " --autopilot-cleanup-dead-servers\tSet to true or false to control the automatic removal of dead server nodes periodically and whenever a new server is added to the cluster. Defaults to $DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_CLEANUP_DEAD_SERVERS. Optional." echo -e " --autopilot-last-contact-threshold\tControls the maximum amount of time a server can go without contact from the leader before being considered unhealthy. Must be a duration value such as 10s. Defaults to $DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_LAST_CONTACT_THRESHOLD. Optional." echo -e " --autopilot-max-trailing-logs\t\tControls the maximum number of log entries that a server can trail the leader by before being considered unhealthy. Defaults to $DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_MAX_TRAILING_LOGS. Optional." echo -e " --autopilot-server-stabilization-time\tControls the minimum amount of time a server must be stable in the 'healthy' state before being added to the cluster. Only takes effect if all servers are running Raft protocol version 3 or higher. Must be a duration value such as 30s. Defaults to $DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_SERVER_STABILIZATION_TIME. Optional." echo -e " --autopilot-redundancy-zone-tag\t\t(Enterprise-only) This controls the -node-meta key to use when Autopilot is separating servers into zones for redundancy. Only one server in each zone can be a voting member at one time. If left blank, this feature will be disabled. Defaults to $DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_REDUNDANCY_ZONE_TAG. Optional." echo -e " --autopilot-disable-upgrade-migration\t(Enterprise-only) If this flag is set, this will disable Autopilot's upgrade migration strategy in Consul Enterprise of waiting until enough newer-versioned servers have been added to the cluster before promoting any of them to voters. Defaults to $DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_DISABLE_UPGRADE_MIGRATION. Optional." echo -e " --autopilot-upgrade-version-tag\t\t(Enterprise-only) That tag to be used to override the version information used during a migration. Optional." echo echo echo "Example:" echo echo " run-consul --server --config-dir /custom/path/to/consul/config" } function log { local -r level="$1" local -r message="$2" local -r timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") >&2 echo -e "${timestamp} [${level}] [$SCRIPT_NAME] ${message}" } function log_info { local -r message="$1" log "INFO" "$message" } function log_warn { local -r message="$1" log "WARN" "$message" } function log_error { local -r message="$1" log "ERROR" "$message" } # Based on code from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/16623897/483528 function strip_prefix { local -r str="$1" local -r prefix="$2" echo "${str#$prefix}" } function assert_not_empty { local -r arg_name="$1" local -r arg_value="$2" if [[ -z "$arg_value" ]]; then log_error "The value for '$arg_name' cannot be empty" print_usage exit 1 fi } function lookup_path_in_instance_metadata { local -r path="$1" curl --silent --show-error --location "$EC2_INSTANCE_METADATA_URL/$path/" } function lookup_path_in_instance_dynamic_data { local -r path="$1" curl --silent --show-error --location "$EC2_INSTANCE_DYNAMIC_DATA_URL/$path/" } function get_instance_ip_address { lookup_path_in_instance_metadata "local-ipv4" } function get_instance_id { lookup_path_in_instance_metadata "instance-id" } function get_instance_region { lookup_path_in_instance_dynamic_data "instance-identity/document" | jq -r ".region" } function get_instance_tags { local -r instance_id="$1" local -r instance_region="$2" local tags="" local count_tags="" log_info "Looking up tags for Instance $instance_id in $instance_region" for (( i=1; i<="$MAX_RETRIES"; i++ )); do tags=$(aws ec2 describe-tags \ --region "$instance_region" \ --filters "Name=resource-type,Values=instance" "Name=resource-id,Values=${instance_id}") count_tags=$(echo $tags | jq -r ".Tags? | length") if [[ "$count_tags" -gt 0 ]]; then log_info "This Instance $instance_id in $instance_region has Tags." echo "$tags" return else log_warn "This Instance $instance_id in $instance_region does not have any Tags." log_warn "Will sleep for $SLEEP_BETWEEN_RETRIES_SEC seconds and try again." sleep "$SLEEP_BETWEEN_RETRIES_SEC" fi done log_error "Could not find Instance Tags for $instance_id in $instance_region after $MAX_RETRIES retries." exit 1 } function get_asg_size { local -r asg_name="$1" local -r aws_region="$2" local asg_json="" log_info "Looking up the size of the Auto Scaling Group $asg_name in $aws_region" asg_json=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --region "$aws_region" --auto-scaling-group-names "$asg_name") echo "$asg_json" | jq -r '.AutoScalingGroups[0].DesiredCapacity' } function get_cluster_size { local -r instance_tags="$1" local -r aws_region="$2" local asg_name="" asg_name=$(get_tag_value "$instance_tags" "$AWS_ASG_TAG_KEY") if [[ -z "$asg_name" ]]; then log_warn "This EC2 Instance does not appear to be part of an Auto Scaling Group, so cannot determine cluster size. Setting cluster size to 1." echo 1 else get_asg_size "$asg_name" "$aws_region" fi } # Get the value for a specific tag from the tags JSON returned by the AWS describe-tags: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-tags.html function get_tag_value { local -r tags="$1" local -r tag_key="$2" echo "$tags" | jq -r ".Tags[] | select(.Key == \"$tag_key\") | .Value" } function assert_is_installed { local -r name="$1" if [[ ! $(command -v ${name}) ]]; then log_error "The binary '$name' is required by this script but is not installed or in the system's PATH." exit 1 fi } function split_by_lines { local prefix="$1" shift for var in "$@"; do echo "${prefix}${var}" done } function generate_consul_config { local -r server="${1}" local -r config_dir="${2}" local -r user="${3}" local -r cluster_tag_key="${4}" local -r cluster_tag_value="${5}" local -r datacenter="${6}" local -r enable_gossip_encryption="${7}" local -r gossip_encryption_key="${8}" local -r enable_rpc_encryption="${9}" local -r ca_path="${10}" local -r cert_file_path="${11}" local -r key_file_path="${12}" local -r cleanup_dead_servers="${13}" local -r last_contact_threshold="${14}" local -r max_trailing_logs="${15}" local -r server_stabilization_time="${16}" local -r redundancy_zone_tag="${17}" local -r disable_upgrade_migration="${18}" local -r upgrade_version_tag=${19} local -r config_path="$config_dir/$CONSUL_CONFIG_FILE" shift 19 local -r recursors=("$@") local instance_id="" local instance_ip_address="" local instance_region="" local ui="false" instance_id=$(get_instance_id) instance_ip_address=$(get_instance_ip_address) instance_region=$(get_instance_region) local retry_join_json="" if [[ -z "$cluster_tag_key" || -z "$cluster_tag_value" ]]; then log_warn "Either the cluster tag key ($cluster_tag_key) or value ($cluster_tag_value) is empty. Will not automatically try to form a cluster based on EC2 tags." else retry_join_json=$(cat < "$config_path" chown "$user:$user" "$config_path" } function generate_systemd_config { local -r systemd_config_path="$1" local -r consul_config_dir="$2" local -r consul_data_dir="$3" local -r consul_systemd_stdout="$4" local -r consul_systemd_stderr="$5" local -r consul_bin_dir="$6" local -r consul_user="$7" shift 7 local -r environment=("$@") local -r config_path="$consul_config_dir/$CONSUL_CONFIG_FILE" log_info "Creating systemd config file to run Consul in $systemd_config_path" local -r unit_config=$(cat < "$systemd_config_path" echo -e "$service_config" >> "$systemd_config_path" echo -e "$log_config" >> "$systemd_config_path" echo -e "$install_config" >> "$systemd_config_path" } function start_consul { log_info "Reloading systemd config and starting Consul" sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable consul.service sudo systemctl restart consul.service } # Based on: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/7732/215969 function get_owner_of_path { local -r path="$1" ls -ld "$path" | awk '{print $3}' } function run { local server="false" local client="false" local config_dir="" local data_dir="" local systemd_stdout="" local systemd_stderr="" local bin_dir="" local user="" local cluster_tag_key="" local cluster_tag_value="" local datacenter="" local upgrade_version_tag="" local enable_gossip_encryption="false" local gossip_encryption_key="" local enable_rpc_encryption="false" local ca_path="" local cert_file_path="" local key_file_path="" local environment=() local skip_consul_config="false" local recursors=() local all_args=() local cleanup_dead_servers="$DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_CLEANUP_DEAD_SERVERS" local last_contact_threshold="$DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_LAST_CONTACT_THRESHOLD" local max_trailing_logs="$DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_MAX_TRAILING_LOGS" local server_stabilization_time="$DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_SERVER_STABILIZATION_TIME" local redundancy_zone_tag="$DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_REDUNDANCY_ZONE_TAG" local disable_upgrade_migration="$DEFAULT_AUTOPILOT_DISABLE_UPGRADE_MIGRATION" while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do local key="$1" case "$key" in --server) server="true" ;; --client) client="true" ;; --config-dir) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" config_dir="$2" shift ;; --data-dir) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" data_dir="$2" shift ;; --systemd-stdout) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" systemd_stdout="$2" shift ;; --systemd-stderr) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" systemd_stderr="$2" shift ;; --bin-dir) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" bin_dir="$2" shift ;; --user) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" user="$2" shift ;; --cluster-tag-key) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" cluster_tag_key="$2" shift ;; --cluster-tag-value) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" cluster_tag_value="$2" shift ;; --datacenter) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" datacenter="$2" shift ;; --autopilot-cleanup-dead-servers) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" cleanup_dead_servers="$2" shift ;; --autopilot-last-contact-threshold) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" last_contact_threshold="$2" shift ;; --autopilot-max-trailing-logs) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" max_trailing_logs="$2" shift ;; --autopilot-server-stabilization-time) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" server_stabilization_time="$2" shift ;; --autopilot-redundancy-zone-tag) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" redundancy_zone_tag="$2" shift ;; --autopilot-disable-upgrade-migration) disable_upgrade_migration="true" shift ;; --autopilot-upgrade-version-tag) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" upgrade_version_tag="$2" shift ;; --enable-gossip-encryption) enable_gossip_encryption="true" ;; --gossip-encryption-key) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" gossip_encryption_key="$2" shift ;; --enable-rpc-encryption) enable_rpc_encryption="true" ;; --ca-path) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" ca_path="$2" shift ;; --cert-file-path) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" cert_file_path="$2" shift ;; --key-file-path) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" key_file_path="$2" shift ;; --environment) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" environment+=("$2") shift ;; --skip-consul-config) skip_consul_config="true" ;; --recursor) assert_not_empty "$key" "$2" recursors+=("$2") shift ;; --help) print_usage exit ;; *) log_error "Unrecognized argument: $key" print_usage exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [[ ("$server" == "true" && "$client" == "true") || ("$server" == "false" && "$client" == "false") ]]; then log_error "Exactly one of --server or --client must be set." exit 1 fi assert_is_installed "systemctl" assert_is_installed "aws" assert_is_installed "curl" assert_is_installed "jq" if [[ -z "$config_dir" ]]; then config_dir=$(cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/../config" && pwd) fi if [[ -z "$data_dir" ]]; then data_dir=$(cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/../data" && pwd) fi # If $systemd_stdout and/or $systemd_stderr are empty, we leave them empty so that generate_systemd_config will use systemd's defaults (journal and inherit, respectively) if [[ -z "$bin_dir" ]]; then bin_dir=$(cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/../bin" && pwd) fi if [[ -z "$user" ]]; then user=$(get_owner_of_path "$config_dir") fi if [[ -z "$datacenter" ]]; then datacenter=$(get_instance_region) fi if [[ "$skip_consul_config" == "true" ]]; then log_info "The --skip-consul-config flag is set, so will not generate a default Consul config file." else if [[ "$enable_gossip_encryption" == "true" ]]; then assert_not_empty "--gossip-encryption-key" "$gossip_encryption_key" fi if [[ "$enable_rpc_encryption" == "true" ]]; then assert_not_empty "--ca-path" "$ca_path" assert_not_empty "--cert-file-path" "$cert_file_path" assert_not_empty "--key_file_path" "$key_file_path" fi generate_consul_config "$server" \ "$config_dir" \ "$user" \ "$cluster_tag_key" \ "$cluster_tag_value" \ "$datacenter" \ "$enable_gossip_encryption" \ "$gossip_encryption_key" \ "$enable_rpc_encryption" \ "$ca_path" \ "$cert_file_path" \ "$key_file_path" \ "$cleanup_dead_servers" \ "$last_contact_threshold" \ "$max_trailing_logs" \ "$server_stabilization_time" \ "$redundancy_zone_tag" \ "$disable_upgrade_migration" \ "$upgrade_version_tag" \ "${recursors[@]}" fi generate_systemd_config "$SYSTEMD_CONFIG_PATH" "$config_dir" "$data_dir" "$systemd_stdout" "$systemd_stderr" "$bin_dir" "$user" "${environment[@]}" start_consul } run "$@"