{{#if (eq loader.error.status '401')}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{#let route.params.dc route.params.partition route.params.nspace loader.data loader.data.isNew as |dc partition nspace item create|}}
  1. All Policies

{{#if create }} {{else}} {{#if (can "write policy" item=item)}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/if}}

{{#if (not create) }}
Policy ID
{{/if}} {{#if (eq (policy/typeof item) 'policy-management')}}


This global-management token is built into Consul's policy system. You can apply this special policy to tokens for full access. This policy is not editable or removeable, but can be ignored by not applying it to any tokens. Learn more in our documentation.

Valid Datacenters
{{ join ', ' (policy/datacenters item)}}
{{#if (gt loader.data.length 0)}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{ partial 'dc/acls/policies/form'}} {{/if}}