import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { computed, get, set } from '@ember/object'; import CollectionComponent from 'ember-collection/components/ember-collection'; import needsRevalidate from 'ember-collection/utils/needs-revalidate'; import Grid from 'ember-collection/layouts/grid'; import style from 'ember-computed-style'; import SlotsMixin from 'block-slots'; import WithResizing from 'consul-ui/mixins/with-resizing'; const formatItemStyle = Grid.prototype.formatItemStyle; export default CollectionComponent.extend(SlotsMixin, WithResizing, { tagName: 'table', classNames: ['dom-recycling'], classNameBindings: ['hasActions'], attributeBindings: ['style'], dom: service('dom'), style: style('getStyle'), width: 1150, rowHeight: 50, maxHeight: 500, checked: null, hasCaption: false, init: function() { this._super(...arguments); // TODO: The row height should auto calculate properly from the CSS const o = this; this['cell-layout'] = new Grid(get(this, 'width'), get(this, 'rowHeight')); this['cell-layout'].formatItemStyle = function(itemIndex) { let style = formatItemStyle.apply(this, arguments); if (o.checked === itemIndex) { style = `${style};z-index: 1`; } return style; }; }, getStyle: computed('rowHeight', '_items', 'maxRows', 'maxHeight', function() { const maxRows = get(this, 'rows'); let height = get(this, 'maxHeight'); if (maxRows) { let rows = Math.max(3, get(this._items || [], 'length')); rows = Math.min(maxRows, rows); height = get(this, 'rowHeight') * rows + 29; } return { height: height, }; }), resize: function(e) { const $tbody = this.element; const $appContent = this.dom.element('main > div'); if ($appContent) { const border = 1; const rect = $tbody.getBoundingClientRect(); const $footer = this.dom.element('footer[role="contentinfo"]'); const space = + $footer.clientHeight + border; const height = e.detail.height - space; this.set('maxHeight', Math.max(0, height)); // TODO: The row height should auto calculate properly from the CSS this['cell-layout'] = new Grid($appContent.clientWidth, get(this, 'rowHeight')); const o = this; this['cell-layout'].formatItemStyle = function(itemIndex) { let style = formatItemStyle.apply(this, arguments); if (o.checked === itemIndex) { style = `${style};z-index: 1`; } return style; }; this.updateItems(); this.updateScrollPosition(); } }, willRender: function() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'hasCaption', this._isRegistered('caption')); set(this, 'hasActions', this._isRegistered('actions')); }, // `ember-collection` bug workaround // _needsRevalidate: function() { if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return; } if (this._isGlimmer2()) { this.rerender(); } else { needsRevalidate(this); } }, actions: { click: function(e) { return this.dom.clickFirstAnchor(e); }, change: function(index, e = {}) { if (typeof index !== 'string') { return; } if (this.$tr) { this.$ = null; } if ( && index != get(this, 'checked')) { set(this, 'checked', parseInt(index)); const target =; const $tr = this.dom.closest('tr', target); const $group = this.dom.sibling(target, 'div'); const groupRect = $group.getBoundingClientRect(); const groupBottom = + $group.clientHeight; const $footer = this.dom.element('footer[role="contentinfo"]'); const footerRect = $footer.getBoundingClientRect(); const footerTop =; if (groupBottom > footerTop) { $group.classList.add('above'); } else { $group.classList.remove('above'); } $ = 1; this.$tr = $tr; } else { set(this, 'checked', null); } }, }, });