If you have a question, please direct it to the [consul mailing list](https://www.consul.io/community.html) if it hasn't been addressed in either the [FAQ](https://www.consul.io/docs/faq.html) or in one of the [Consul Guides](https://www.consul.io/docs/guides/index.html). When filing a bug, please include the following: ### `consul version` for both Client and Server Client: `[client version here]` Server: `[server version here]` ### `consul info` for both Client and Server Client: ``` [Client `consul info` here] ``` Server: ``` [Server `consul info` here] ``` ### Operating system and Environment details ### Description of the Issue (and unexpected/desired result) ### Reproduction steps ### Log Fragments or Link to [gist](https://gist.github.com/) Include appropriate Client or Server log fragments. If the log is longer than a few dozen lines, please include the URL to the [gist](https://gist.github.com/). TIP: Use `-log-level=TRACE` on the client and server to capture the maximum log detail.