{{#if (eq loader.error.status "404")}} {{else if (eq loader.error.status "403")}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{#let (hash value=(or sortBy "Kind:asc") change=(action (mut sortBy) value="target.selected") ) (hash kind=(hash value=(if kind (split kind ',') undefined) change=(action (mut kind) value="target.selectedItems") ) ) parent loader.data as |sort filters parent items|}} {{#if (not-eq parent.Key '/') }}
  1. Key / Values
  2. {{#each (slice 0 -2 (split parent.Key '/')) as |breadcrumb index|}}
  3. {{breadcrumb}}
  4. {{/each}}

{{#if (eq parent.Key '/')}} {{else}} {{/if}}

{{#if (gt items.length 0) }} {{/if}} {{#if (can 'create kvs')}} {{#if (not-eq parent.Key '/') }} Create {{else}} Create {{/if}} {{/if}}

{{#if (gt items.length 0)}} No K/V pairs found {{else}} Welcome to Key/Value {{/if}}

{{#if (gt items.length 0)}} No K/V pairs where found matching that search, or you may not have access to view the K/V pairs you are searching for. {{else}} You don't have any K/V pairs, or you may not have access to view K/V pairs yet. {{/if}}
