#!/usr/bin/env bash set -uo pipefail ### This script checks if any metric behavior has been modified. ### The checks rely on the git diff against origin/main ### It is still up to the reviewer to make sure that any tests added are needed and meaningful. # search for any "new" or modified metric emissions metrics_modified=$(git --no-pager diff origin/main...HEAD | grep -i "SetGauge\|EmitKey\|IncrCounter\|AddSample\|MeasureSince\|UpdateFilter") # search for PR body or title metric references metrics_in_pr_body=$(echo "${PR_BODY-""}" | grep -i "metric") metrics_in_pr_title=$(echo "${PR_TITLE-""}" | grep -i "metric") # if there have been code changes to any metric or mention of metrics in the pull request body if [ "$metrics_modified" ] || [ "$metrics_in_pr_body" ] || [ "$metrics_in_pr_title" ]; then # need to check if there are modifications to metrics_test test_files_regex="*_test.go" modified_metrics_test_files=$(git --no-pager diff HEAD "$(git merge-base HEAD "origin/main")" -- "$test_files_regex" | grep -i "metric") if [ "$modified_metrics_test_files" ]; then # 1 happy path: metrics_test has been modified bc we modified metrics behavior echo "PR seems to modify metrics behavior. It seems it may have added tests to the metrics as well." exit 0 else echo "PR seems to modify metrics behavior. It seems no tests or test behavior has been modified." echo "Please update the PR with any relevant updated testing or add a pr/no-metrics-test label to skip this check." exit 1 fi else # no metrics modified in code, nothing to check echo "No metric behavior seems to be modified." exit 0 fi