@import 'layouts/index'; /* all forms have a margin below the header */ html[data-route$='.create'] .app-view > header + div > *:first-child, html[data-route$='.edit'] .app-view > header + div > *:first-child { margin-top: 1.8em; } /* most tabs have margin after the tab bar, unless the tab has a filter bar */ /* if it is a filter bar and the thing after the filter bar is a p then it also */ /* needs a top margun :S */ %app-view-content [role='tabpanel'] > *:first-child:not(.filter-bar):not(table), %app-view-content [role='tabpanel'] > .filter-bar + p { margin-top: 1.25em; } /* turn off top borders for things flush up to a filter bar */ .consul-lock-session-list { margin-top: 0 !important; } html[data-route='dc.services.index'] .consul-service-list ul, .consul-nspace-list ul, .consul-service-instance-list ul, .consul-node-list ul, .consul-lock-session-list ul, .consul-role-list ul, .consul-policy-list ul, .consul-token-list ul { border-top-width: 0 !important; } .notice + .consul-token-list ul { border-top-width: 1px !important; } // TODO: This shouldn't be done here, decide the best way to do this // %main-decoration ? %main-skin ? %content-skin ? // it includes layouts of components, but not layout of itself? // %main-components? What about %app-view-content main, %modal-window { @extend %main-content; } html.template-with-vertical-menu, html.template-with-vertical-menu body { overflow: hidden; } html:not(.has-nspaces) [class*='nspace-'] { display: none; } #wrapper { @extend %viewport-container; } #wrapper { @extend %with-sticky-footer; } main { @extend %with-sticky-footer-content; } main, #wrapper > footer { @extend %content-container; } html[data-route$='.edit'] main { @extend %content-container-restricted; } @media #{$--lt-spacious-page-header} { html.template-list:not(.template-kv) main { margin-top: 10px; } } @media #{$--lt-spacious-page-header} { .actions button.copy-btn { margin-top: -56px; padding: 0; } } %main-content p:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: 1em; } /* TODO: keep margin below forms, move elsewhere? */ %main-content form:not(.filter-bar), %main-content form + div .with-confirmation { margin-bottom: 2em; } @media #{$--lt-wide-form} { main form [type='reset'] { float: right; margin-right: 0 !important; } }