--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Commands: Snapshot Agent" sidebar_current: "docs-commands-snapshot-agent" --- # Consul Snapshot Agent Command: `consul snapshot agent` ~> The [`agent`](/docs/commands/snapshot/agent.html) subcommand described here is available only in [Consul Enterprise](https://www.hashicorp.com/products/consul/) version 0.7.1 and later. All other [snapshot subcommands](/docs/commands/snapshot.html) are available in the open source version of Consul. The `snapshot agent` subcommand starts a process that takes snapshots of the state of the Consul servers and saves them locally, or pushes them to an optional remote storage service. This subcommand is only available in Consul Enterprise 0.7.1 and later. The agent can be run as a long-running daemon process or in a one-shot mode from a batch job, based on the [`-interval`](#interval) argument. Snapshotting a remote datacenter is only available in one-shot mode. As a long-running daemon, the agent will perform a leader election so multiple processes can be run in a highly available fashion with automatic failover. The agent will also register itself with Consul as a service, along with health checks that show the agent is alive ("Consul Snapshot Agent Alive") and able to take snapshots ("Consul Snapshot Agent Saving Snapshots"). The latter check is only added on agents who have become a leader, so it's possible for operators to tell which instances are alive and on standby and which instance has become leader and starting saving snapshots. As snapshots are saved, they will be reported in the log produced by the agent: ``` 2016/11/16 21:21:13 [INFO] Snapshot agent running 2016/11/16 21:21:13 [INFO] Waiting to obtain leadership... 2016/11/16 21:21:13 [INFO] Obtained leadership 2016/11/16 21:21:13 [INFO] Saved snapshot 1479360073448728784 ``` The number shown with the saved snapshot is its ID, which is based on a UNIX timestamp with nanosecond resolution, so collisions are unlikely and IDs are monotonically increasing with time. This makes it easy to locate the latest snapshot, even if the log data isn't available. The snapshot ID always appears in the file name when using local storage, or in the object key when using remote storage. Snapshots can be restored using the [`consul snapshot restore`](/docs/commands/snapshot/restore.html) command, or the [HTTP API](/api/snapshot.html). If ACLs are enabled, a management token must be supplied in order to perform snapshot operations. ## Usage Usage: `consul snapshot agent [options]` #### API Options <%= partial "docs/commands/http_api_options_client" %> #### Config File Options: * `-config-dir` - Directory to look for JSON config files. Files will be read in alphabetical order and must end with the extension ".json". This won't recursively descend directories. This can be specified multiple times on the command line. * `-config-file` - File to read JSON configuration from. Files must end with the extension ".json". This can be specified multiple times on the command line. Config files referenced using `-config-dir` and `-config-file` have the following format (shown populated with default values): ```javascript { "snapshot_agent": { "http_addr": "", "token": "", "datacenter": "", "ca_file": "", "ca_path": "", "cert_file": "", "key_file": "", "tls_server_name": "", "log": { "level": "INFO", "enable_syslog": false, "syslog_facility": "LOCAL0" }, "snapshot": { "interval": "1h", "retain": 30, "stale": false, "service": "consul-snapshot", "deregister_after": "72h", "lock_key": "consul-snapshot/lock", "max_failures": 3 }, "local_storage": { "path": "." }, "aws_storage": { "access_key_id": "", "secret_access_key": "", "s3_region": "", "s3_bucket": "", "s3_key_prefix": "consul-snapshot", "s3_server_side_encryption":false, "s3_static_snapshot_name":"" } } } ``` All fields are optional, and config files without a `snapshot_agent` object will be ignored. At least one config file needs to have a `snapshot_agent` object, or the snapshot agent will fail to start. The Consul agent is set up to ignore any `snapshot_agent` object, so it's safe to use common config directories for both agents if desired. #### Snapshot Options * `-interval` - Interval at which to perform snapshots as a time with a unit suffix, which can be "s", "m", "h" for seconds, minutes, or hours. If 0 is provided, the agent will take a single snapshot and then exit, which is useful for running snapshots via batch jobs. Defaults to "1h" * `-lock-key` - A prefix in Consul's KV store used to coordinate between different instances of the snapshot agent order to only have one active instance at a time. For highly available operation of the snapshot agent, simply run multiple instances. All instances must be configured with the same lock key in order to properly coordinate. Defaults to "consul-snapshot/lock". * `-max-failures` - Number of snapshot failures after which the snapshot agent will give up leadership. In a highly available operation with multiple snapshot agents available, this gives another agent a chance to take over if an agent is experiencing issues, such as running out of disk space for snapshots. Defaults to 3. * `-retain` - Number of snapshots to retain. After each snapshot is taken, the oldest snapshots will start to be deleted in order to retain at most this many snapshots. If this is set to 0, the agent will not perform this and snapshots will accumulate forever. Defaults to 30. #### Agent Options * `-deregister-after` - An interval, after which if the agent is unhealthy it will be automatically deregistered from Consul service discovery. This is a time with a unit suffix, which can be "s", "m", "h" for seconds, minutes, or hours. If 0 is provided, this will be disabled. Defaults to "72h". * `-log-level` - Controls verbosity of snapshot agent logs. Valid options are "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERR". Defaults to "INFO". * `-service` - The service name to used when registering the agent with Consul. Registering helps monitor running agents and the leader registers an additional health check to monitor that snapshots are taking place. Defaults to "consul-snapshot". * `-syslog` - This enables forwarding logs to syslog. Defaults to false. * `-syslog-facility` - Sets the facility to use for forwarding logs to syslog. Defaults to "LOCAL0". #### Local Storage Options * `-local-path` - Location to store snapshots locally. The default behavior of the snapshot agent is to store snapshots locally in this directory. Defaults to "." to use the current working directory. If an alternate storage option is configured, then local storage will be disabled and this option will be ignored. #### Amazon S3 Storage Options * `-aws-access-key-id` and `-aws-secret-access-key` - These arguments supply authentication information for connecting to AWS. These may also be supplied using the following alternative methods:
- `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` environment variables - A credentials file (`~/.aws/credentials` or the file at the path specified by the `AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE` environment variable) - ECS task role metadata (container-specific) - EC2 instance role metadata * `-aws-s3-bucket` - S3 bucket to use. Required for S3 storage, and setting this disables local storage. * `-aws-s3-key-prefix` - Prefix to use for snapshot files in S3. Defaults to "consul-snapshot". * `-aws-s3-region` - S3 region to use. Required for S3 storage. * `-aws-s3-server-side-encryption` - Enables saving snapshots to S3 using server side encryption with [Amazon S3-Managed Encryption Keys](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingServerSideEncryption.html) * `-aws-s3-static-snapshot-name` - If this is given, all snapshots are saved with the same file name. The agent will not rotate or versionize snapshots, and will save them with the same name each time. Use this if you want to rely on [S3's versioning capabilities](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/Versioning.html) instead of the agent handling it for you. * `-aws-s3-enable-kms` - Enables using [Amazon KMS](https://aws.amazon.com/kms/) for encrypting snapshots. * `-aws-s3-kms-key` - Optional Amazon KMS key to use, if this is not set the default KMS master key will be used. Set this if you want to manage key rotation yourself. ## Examples Running the agent with no arguments will run a long-running daemon process that will perform leader election for highly available operation, register itself with Consul service discovery with health checks, take snapshots every hour, retain the last 30 snapshots, and save snapshots into the current working directory: ``` $ consul snapshot agent ``` To run a one-shot backup, set the backup interval to 0. This will run a single snapshot and delete any old snapshots based on the retain settings, but it will not perform any leader election or service registration: ``` $ consul snapshot agent -interval=0 ``` Please see the [HTTP API](/api/snapshot.html) documentation for more details about snapshot internals.