//go:build !consulent // +build !consulent package state import ( "fmt" "strings" memdb "github.com/hashicorp/go-memdb" "github.com/hashicorp/consul/acl" "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs" ) func withEnterpriseSchema(_ *memdb.DBSchema) {} func serviceIndexName(name string, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) string { return fmt.Sprintf("service.%s", name) } func serviceKindIndexName(kind structs.ServiceKind, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) string { return "service_kind." + kind.Normalized() } func catalogUpdateNodesIndexes(tx WriteTxn, idx uint64, entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error { // overall nodes index if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(tx, idx, tableNodes); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err) } return nil } func catalogUpdateServicesIndexes(tx WriteTxn, idx uint64, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error { // overall services index if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(tx, idx, tableServices); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err) } return nil } func catalogUpdateServiceKindIndexes(tx WriteTxn, kind structs.ServiceKind, idx uint64, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error { // service-kind index if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(tx, idx, serviceKindIndexName(kind, nil)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err) } return nil } func catalogUpdateServiceIndexes(tx WriteTxn, serviceName string, idx uint64, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error { // per-service index if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(tx, idx, serviceIndexName(serviceName, nil)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err) } return nil } func catalogUpdateServiceExtinctionIndex(tx WriteTxn, idx uint64, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error { if err := tx.Insert(tableIndex, &IndexEntry{indexServiceExtinction, idx}); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed updating missing service extinction index: %s", err) } return nil } func catalogInsertNode(tx WriteTxn, node *structs.Node) error { // ensure that the Partition is always clear within the state store in OSS node.Partition = "" // Insert the node and update the index. if err := tx.Insert(tableNodes, node); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting node: %s", err) } if err := catalogUpdateNodesIndexes(tx, node.ModifyIndex, node.GetEnterpriseMeta()); err != nil { return err } // Update the node's service indexes as the node information is included // in health queries and we would otherwise miss node updates in some cases // for those queries. if err := updateAllServiceIndexesOfNode(tx, node.ModifyIndex, node.Node, node.GetEnterpriseMeta()); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err) } return nil } func catalogInsertService(tx WriteTxn, svc *structs.ServiceNode) error { // Insert the service and update the index if err := tx.Insert(tableServices, svc); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting service: %s", err) } if err := catalogUpdateServicesIndexes(tx, svc.ModifyIndex, &svc.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil { return err } if err := catalogUpdateServiceIndexes(tx, svc.ServiceName, svc.ModifyIndex, &svc.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil { return err } if err := catalogUpdateServiceKindIndexes(tx, svc.ServiceKind, svc.ModifyIndex, &svc.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil { return err } return nil } func catalogNodesMaxIndex(tx ReadTxn, entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta) uint64 { return maxIndexTxn(tx, tableNodes) } func catalogServicesMaxIndex(tx ReadTxn, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) uint64 { return maxIndexTxn(tx, tableServices) } func catalogServiceMaxIndex(tx ReadTxn, serviceName string, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) (<-chan struct{}, interface{}, error) { return tx.FirstWatch(tableIndex, "id", serviceIndexName(serviceName, nil)) } func catalogServiceKindMaxIndex(tx ReadTxn, ws memdb.WatchSet, kind structs.ServiceKind, entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta) uint64 { return maxIndexWatchTxn(tx, ws, serviceKindIndexName(kind, nil)) } func catalogServiceListNoWildcard(tx ReadTxn, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) (memdb.ResultIterator, error) { return tx.Get(tableServices, indexID) } func catalogServiceListByNode(tx ReadTxn, node string, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta, _ bool) (memdb.ResultIterator, error) { return tx.Get(tableServices, indexNode, Query{Value: node}) } func catalogServiceLastExtinctionIndex(tx ReadTxn, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) (interface{}, error) { return tx.First(tableIndex, "id", indexServiceExtinction) } func catalogMaxIndex(tx ReadTxn, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta, checks bool) uint64 { if checks { return maxIndexTxn(tx, tableNodes, tableServices, tableChecks) } return maxIndexTxn(tx, tableNodes, tableServices) } func catalogMaxIndexWatch(tx ReadTxn, ws memdb.WatchSet, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta, checks bool) uint64 { if checks { return maxIndexWatchTxn(tx, ws, tableNodes, tableServices, tableChecks) } return maxIndexWatchTxn(tx, ws, tableNodes, tableServices) } func catalogUpdateCheckIndexes(tx WriteTxn, idx uint64, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error { // update the universal index entry if err := tx.Insert(tableIndex, &IndexEntry{tableChecks, idx}); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err) } return nil } func catalogChecksMaxIndex(tx ReadTxn, _ *acl.EnterpriseMeta) uint64 { return maxIndexTxn(tx, tableChecks) } func catalogListChecksByNode(tx ReadTxn, q Query) (memdb.ResultIterator, error) { return tx.Get(tableChecks, indexNode, q) } func catalogInsertCheck(tx WriteTxn, chk *structs.HealthCheck, idx uint64) error { // Insert the check if err := tx.Insert(tableChecks, chk); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting check: %s", err) } if err := catalogUpdateCheckIndexes(tx, idx, &chk.EnterpriseMeta); err != nil { return err } return nil } func validateRegisterRequestTxn(_ ReadTxn, _ *structs.RegisterRequest, _ bool) (*acl.EnterpriseMeta, error) { return nil, nil } func (s *Store) ValidateRegisterRequest(_ *structs.RegisterRequest) (*acl.EnterpriseMeta, error) { return nil, nil } func indexFromKindServiceName(arg interface{}) ([]byte, error) { var b indexBuilder switch n := arg.(type) { case KindServiceNameQuery: b.String(strings.ToLower(string(n.Kind))) b.String(strings.ToLower(n.Name)) return b.Bytes(), nil case *KindServiceName: b.String(strings.ToLower(string(n.Kind))) b.String(strings.ToLower(n.Service.Name)) return b.Bytes(), nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("type must be KindServiceNameQuery or *KindServiceName: %T", arg) } }