import Component from '@ember/component'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { set, get, computed } from '@ember/object'; import { next } from '@ember/runloop'; import { createRoute, getSplitters, getRoutes, getResolvers, } from 'consul-ui/utils/components/discovery-chain/index'; export default Component.extend({ dom: service('dom'), ticker: service('ticker'), dataStructs: service('data-structs'), classNames: ['discovery-chain'], classNameBindings: ['active'], isDisplayed: false, selectedId: '', x: 0, y: 0, tooltip: '', activeTooltip: false, init: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._listeners = this.dom.listeners(); this._viewportlistener = this.dom.listeners(); }, didInsertElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._viewportlistener.add( this.dom.isInViewport(this.element, bool => { if (get(this, 'isDisplayed') !== bool) { set(this, 'isDisplayed', bool); if (this.isDisplayed) { this.addPathListeners(); } else { this.ticker.destroy(this); } } }) ); }, didReceiveAttrs: function() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.element) { this.addPathListeners(); } }, willDestroyElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._listeners.remove(); this._viewportlistener.remove(); this.ticker.destroy(this); }, splitters: computed('chain.Nodes', function() { return getSplitters(get(this, 'chain.Nodes')); }), routes: computed('chain.Nodes', function() { const routes = getRoutes(get(this, 'chain.Nodes'), this.dom.guid); // if we have no routes with a PathPrefix of '/' or one with no definition at all // then add our own 'default catch all' if ( !routes.find(item => get(item, 'Definition.Match.HTTP.PathPrefix') === '/') && !routes.find(item => typeof item.Definition === 'undefined') ) { let nextNode; const resolverID = `resolver:${this.chain.ServiceName}.${this.chain.Namespace}.${this.chain.Datacenter}`; const splitterID = `splitter:${this.chain.ServiceName}.${this.chain.Namespace}`; if (typeof this.chain.Nodes[resolverID] !== 'undefined') { nextNode = resolverID; } else if (typeof this.chain.Nodes[splitterID] !== 'undefined') { nextNode = splitterID; } if (typeof nextNode !== 'undefined') { routes.push({ Default: true, ID: `route:${this.chain.ServiceName}`, Name: this.chain.ServiceName, Definition: { Match: { HTTP: { PathPrefix: '/', }, }, }, NextNode: nextNode, }); } } return routes; }), resolvers: computed('chain.{Nodes,Targets}', function() { return getResolvers( this.chain.Datacenter, this.chain.Namespace, get(this, 'chain.Targets'), get(this, 'chain.Nodes') ); }), graph: computed('splitters', 'routes', function() { const graph = this.dataStructs.graph(); const router = this.chain.ServiceName; this.splitters.forEach(item => { item.Splits.forEach(splitter => { graph.addLink(item.ID, splitter.NextNode); }); }); this.routes.forEach((route, i) => { route = createRoute(route, router, this.dom.guid); graph.addLink(route.ID, route.NextNode); }); return graph; }), selected: computed('selectedId', 'graph', function() { if (this.selectedId === '' || !this.dom.element(`#${this.selectedId}`)) { return {}; } const id = this.selectedId; const type = id.split(':').shift(); const nodes = [id]; const edges = []; this.graph.forEachLinkedNode(id, (linkedNode, link) => { nodes.push(; edges.push(`${link.fromId}>${link.toId}`); this.graph.forEachLinkedNode(, (linkedNode, link) => { const nodeType =':').shift(); if (type !== nodeType && type !== 'splitter' && nodeType !== 'splitter') { nodes.push(; edges.push(`${link.fromId}>${link.toId}`); } }); }); return { nodes: => `#${CSS.escape(item)}`), edges: => `#${CSS.escape(item)}`), }; }), width: computed('isDisplayed', 'chain.{Nodes,Targets}', function() { return this.element.offsetWidth; }), height: computed('isDisplayed', 'chain.{Nodes,Targets}', function() { return this.element.offsetHeight; }), // TODO(octane): ember has trouble adding mouse events to svg elements whilst giving // the developer access to the mouse event therefore we just use JS to add our events // revisit this post Octane addPathListeners: function() { // TODO: Figure out if we can remove this next next(() => { this._listeners.remove(); this._listeners.add(this.dom.document(), { click: e => { // all route/splitter/resolver components currently // have classes that end in '-card' if (!this.dom.closest('[class$="-card"]', { set(this, 'active', false); set(this, 'selectedId', ''); } }, }); [...this.dom.elements('path.split', this.element)].forEach(item => { this._listeners.add(item, { mouseover: e => this.actions.showSplit.apply(this, [e]), mouseout: e => this.actions.hideSplit.apply(this, [e]), }); }); }); // TODO: currently don't think there is a way to listen // for an element being removed inside a component, possibly // using IntersectionObserver. It's a tiny detail, but we just always // remove the tooltip on component update as its so tiny, ideal // the tooltip would stay if there was no change to the // set(this, 'activeTooltip', false); }, actions: { showSplit: function(e) { this.setProperties({ x: e.offsetX, y: e.offsetY - 5, tooltip:, activeTooltip: true, }); }, hideSplit: function(e = null) { set(this, 'activeTooltip', false); }, click: function(e) { const id = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('id'); if (id === this.selectedId) { set(this, 'active', false); set(this, 'selectedId', ''); } else { set(this, 'active', true); set(this, 'selectedId', id); } }, }, });