--- layout: docs page_title: Consul-Terraform-Sync Tasks API description: >- Consul-Terraform-Sync Tasks API --- # Tasks The `/tasks` endpoints interact with the tasks that Consul-Terraform-Sync (CTS) is responsible for running. ## Get Tasks This endpoint returns information about all existing tasks. | Method | Path | Produces | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------------ | | `GET` | `/tasks` | `application/json` | ### Response Statuses | Status | Reason | | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------- | | 200 | Successfully retrieved and returned a list of tasks | ### Response Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `request_id` | string | The ID of the request. Used for auditing and debugging purposes. | | `tasks` | list[[Task](/docs/nia/api/tasks#task-object)] | A list of Tasks | ### Example: Retrieve all tasks In this example, CTS contains a single task Request: ```shell-session $ curl --request GET \ localhost:8558/v1/tasks ``` Response: ```json { "request_id": "0e0290f9-94df-3a4a-fd17-72467a16083c", "tasks": [ { "buffer_period": { "enabled": true, "max": "25s", "min": "5s" }, "condition": { "services": { "cts_user_defined_meta": {}, "datacenter": "", "filter": "", "names": ["api", "web"], "namespace": "", "use_as_module_input": true } }, "description": "Writes the service name, id, and IP address to a file", "enabled": true, "module": "path/to/module", "module_input": {}, "name": "task_a", "providers": ["my-provider"], "variables": {}, "version": "" } ] } ``` ## Get Task This endpoint returns information about an existing task. | Method | Path | Produces | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------------ | | `GET` | `/tasks/:task_name` | `application/json` | ### Request Parameters | Name | Required | Type | Description | Default | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | | `:task_name` | Required | string | Specifies the name of the task to retrieve | none | ### Response Statuses | Status | Reason | | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------- | | 200 | Successfully retrieved and returned task information | | 404 | Task with the given name not found | ### Response Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ------------ | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `request_id` | string | The ID of the request. Used for auditing and debugging purposes. | | `task` | object | The task's configuration information. See [task object](#task-object) for details. | ### Example: Retrieve a task Request: ```shell-session $ curl --request GET \ localhost:8558/v1/tasks/task_a ``` Response: ```json { "request_id": "b7559ab0-5111-381b-367a-0dfb7e216d41", "task": { "buffer_period": { "enabled": true, "max": "20s", "min": "5s" }, "condition": { "consul_kv": { "datacenter": "", "namespace": "", "path": "my_key", "recurse": false, "use_as_module_input": true } }, "description": "task triggering on consul-kv", "enabled": true, "module": "path/to/module", "module_input": { "services": { "cts_user_defined_meta": {}, "datacenter": "", "filter": "", "names": ["api"], "namespace": "" } }, "name": "task_a", "providers": [], "variables": {}, "version": "" } } ``` # Create Task This endpoint allows for creation of a task. It only supports creation of a new task, and does not support updating a task. | Method | Path | Produces | | ------ | -------- | ------------------ | | `POST` | `/tasks` | `application/json` | ### Request Parameters | Name | Required | Type | Description | Default | | ----- | -------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | `run` | Optional | string | Values can only be `"inspect"` and `"now"`.
| none | ### Request Body | Name | Required | Type | Description | | ------ | -------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `task` | Required | object | The task's configuration information. See [task object](#task-object) for details. | ### Response Statuses | Status | Reason | | ------ | ----------------------------- | | 201 | Successfully created the task | ### Response Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `request_id` | string | The ID of the request. Used for auditing and debugging purposes. | | `task` | object | The task's configuration information after creation. See [task object](#task-object) for details. | ### Example: Create a task Payload: ```json { "task": { "description": "Writes the service name, id, and IP address to a file", "enabled": true, "name": "task_a", "providers": ["my-provider"], "condition": { "services": { "names": ["web", "api"] } }, "module": "path/to/module" } } ``` Request: ```shell-session $ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data @payload.json \ localhost:8558/v1/tasks ``` Response: ```json { "request_id": "0428ed18-1359-874c-8b27-742e43ebd7e7", "task": { "buffer_period": { "enabled": true, "max": "25s", "min": "5s" }, "condition": { "services": { "cts_user_defined_meta": {}, "datacenter": "", "filter": "", "names": ["api", "web"], "namespace": "", "use_as_module_input": true } }, "description": "Writes the service name, id, and IP address to a file", "enabled": true, "module": "path/to/module", "module_input": {}, "name": "task_a", "providers": ["my-provider"], "variables": {}, "version": "" } } ``` ## Update Task This endpoint allows patch updates to specifically supported fields for existing tasks. Currently only supports updating a task's [`enabled` value](/docs/nia/configuration#enabled-7). | Method | Path | Produces | | ------- | ------------------- | ------------------ | | `PATCH` | `/tasks/:task_name` | `application/json` | ### Request Parameters | Name | Required | Type | Description | Default | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | `:task_name` | Required | string | Specifies the name of the task to update | none | | `run` | Optional | string | Values can only be `"inspect"` and `"now"`.
| none | ### Request Body | Name | Required | Type | Description | | --------- | -------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | `enabled` | Required | boolean | Whether the task is enabled to run and manage resources. | ### Response Statuses | Status | Reason | | ------ | ---------------------------------- | | 200 | Successfully updated the task | | 404 | Task with the given name not found | ### Response Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ------------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `inspect` | object | Information on how resources would be changed given a proposed task update, similar to [inspect-mode](/docs/nia/cli/#inspect-mode). This is only returned when passed the `run=inspect` request parameter. | | `inspect.changes_present` | boolean | Whether or not changes were detected for running the proposed task update. | | `inspect.plan` | string | The Terraform plan generated for the proposed task update. Note: a non-empty string does not necessarily indicate changes were detected. | ### Example: Disable a task Request: ```shell-session $ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request PATCH \ --data '{"enabled":false}' \ localhost:8558/v1/tasks/task_a ``` Response: ```json {} ``` ### Example: Inspect enabling a task Request: ```shell-session $ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request PATCH \ --data '{"enabled":true}' \ localhost:8558/v1/tasks/task_a?run=inspect ``` Response if no changes present: ```json { "inspect": { "changes_present": false, "plan": "No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date. " } } ``` Response if changes present: ```json { "inspect": { "changes_present": true, "plan": " Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy." } } ``` ## Delete Task This endpoint allows for deletion of existing tasks. It marks a task for deletion based on the name provided. If the task is not running, it will be deleted immediately. Otherwise, it will be deleted once the task is completed. -> **Note:** Deleting a task will not destroy the infrastructure managed by the task. | Method | Path | Produces | | -------- | ------------------- | ------------------ | | `DELETE` | `/tasks/:task_name` | `application/json` | ### Request Parameters | Name | Required | Type | Description | Default | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | | `:task_name` | Required | string | Specifies the name of the task to retrieve | none | ### Response Statuses | Status | Reason | | ------ | ----------------------------------------- | | 202 | Successfully marked the task for deletion | | 404 | Task with the given name not found | ### Response Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ------------ | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | `request_id` | string | The ID of the request. Used for auditing and debugging purposes. | ### Sample Request ```shell-session $ curl --request DELETE \ localhost:8558/v1/tasks/task_a ``` ### Sample Response ```json { "request_id": "9b23eea7-a435-2797-c71e-10c15766cd73" } ``` ## Task Object The task object is used by the Task APIs as part of a request or response. It represents the task's [configuration information](/docs/nia/configuration#task). | Name | Required | Type | Description | Default | | ----------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `buffer_period` | object | Optional | The buffer period for triggering task execution. | The global buffer period configured for CTS. | | `buffer_period.enabled` | bool | Optional | Whether the buffer period is enabled or disabled. | The global buffer period's enabled value configured for CTS. | | `buffer_period.min` | string | Optional | The minimum period of time to wait after changes are detected before triggering the task. | The global buffer period's min value configured for CTS. | | `buffer_period.max` | string | Optional | The maximum period of time to wait after changes are detected before triggering the task. | The global buffer period's max value configured for CTS. | | `condition` | object | Required | The [condition](/docs/nia/configuration#task-condition) on which to trigger the task to execute.

If the task has the deprecated `services` field configured as a module input, it is represented here as `condition.services`. | none | | `description` | string | Optional | The human readable text to describe the task. | none | | `enabled` | bool | Optional | Whether the task is enabled or disabled from executing. | `true` | | `module` | string | Required | The location of the Terraform module. | none | | `module_input` | object | Optional | The additional [module input(s)](/docs/nia/configuration#task-source-input) that the tasks provides to the Terraform module on execution.

If the task has the deprecated `services` field configured as a module input, it is represented here as `module_input.services`. | none | | `name` | string | Required | The unique name of the task. | none | | `providers` | list[string] | Optional | The list of provider names that the task's module uses. | none | | `variables` | map[string] | Optional | The map of variables that are provided to the task's module. | none | | `version` | string | Optional | The version of the configured module that the task uses. | The latest version. | | `terraform_version` | string | Optional | **Deprecated in CTS 0.6.0 and will be removed in 0.8.0. Review `terraform_version` in `terraform_cloud_workspace` instead.** The version of Terraform to use for the Terraform Cloud workspace associated with the task. This is only available when used with the [Terraform Cloud driver](/docs/nia/configuration#terraform-cloud-driver). | The latest compatible version supported by the organization. | | `terraform_cloud_workspace` | object | Optional | The [configurable attributes of the Terraform Cloud workspace](/docs/nia/configuration#terraform_cloud_workspace) associated with the task. This option is only available when used with the [Terraform Cloud driver](/docs/nia/configuration#terraform-cloud-driver).| none |