/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import { modifier } from 'ember-modifier'; import tippy, { followCursor } from 'tippy.js'; /** * Tooltip modifier using Tippy.js * https://atomiks.github.io/tippyjs * * {{tooltip 'Text' options=(hash )}} */ export default modifier(($element, [content], hash = {}) => { if (typeof content === 'string' && content.trim() === '') { return; } const options = hash.options || {}; let $anchor = $element; // make it easy to specify the modified element as the actual tooltip if (typeof options.triggerTarget === 'string') { const $el = $anchor; switch (options.triggerTarget) { case 'parentNode': $anchor = $anchor.parentNode; break; default: $anchor = $anchor.querySelectorAll(options.triggerTarget); } content = $anchor.cloneNode(true); $el.remove(); hash.options.triggerTarget = undefined; } // {{tooltip}} will just use the HTML content if (typeof content === 'undefined') { content = $anchor.innerHTML; $anchor.innerHTML = ''; } let interval; if (options.trigger === 'manual') { // if we are manually triggering, a out delay means only show for the // amount of time specified by the delay const delay = options.delay || []; if (typeof delay[1] !== 'undefined') { hash.options.onShown = (tooltip) => { clearInterval(interval); interval = setTimeout(() => { tooltip.hide(); }, delay[1]); }; } } let $trigger = $anchor; let needsTabIndex = false; if (!$trigger.hasAttribute('tabindex')) { needsTabIndex = true; $trigger.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); } const tooltip = tippy($anchor, { theme: 'tooltip', triggerTarget: $trigger, content: ($anchor) => content, // showOnCreate: true, // hideOnClick: false, plugins: [typeof options.followCursor !== 'undefined' ? followCursor : undefined].filter( (item) => Boolean(item) ), ...hash.options, }); return () => { if (needsTabIndex) { $trigger.removeAttribute('tabindex'); } clearInterval(interval); tooltip.destroy(); }; });