{{#let loader.data as |item|}} {{#if (eq loader.error.status "404")}} Warning!

This service has been deregistered and no longer exists in the catalog.

{{else if (eq loader.error.status "403")}} Error!

You no longer have access to this service

{{else}} Warning!

An error was returned whilst loading this data, refresh to try again.


{{compute (fn route.t 'expiry.header')}}

{{compute (fn route.t 'expiry.${type}.body' (hash type=(if item.Valid 'valid' 'expired') date=(format-time item.License.expiration_time year='numeric' month='long' day='numeric' ) time=(format-time item.License.expiration_time hour12=true hour='numeric' hourCycle='h12' minute='numeric' second='numeric' timeZoneName='short' ) htmlSafe=true ) )}}

{{compute (fn route.t 'expiry.${type}.header' (hash type=(if item.Valid 'valid' 'expired') ) )}}
{{temporal-format item.License.expiration_time}}