import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { get } from 'consul-ui/tests/helpers/api'; import { HEADERS_SYMBOL as META, HEADERS_DATACENTER as DC, HEADERS_NAMESPACE as NSPACE, HEADERS_PARTITION as PARTITION, } from 'consul-ui/utils/http/consul'; module('Integration | Serializer | kv', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); const dc = 'dc-1'; const id = 'key-name/here'; const undefinedNspace = 'default'; const undefinedPartition = 'default'; const partition = 'default'; [undefinedNspace, 'team-1', undefined].forEach(nspace => { test(`respondForQuery returns the correct data for list endpoint when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const serializer = this.owner.lookup('serializer:kv'); const request = { url: `/v1/kv/${id}?keys&dc=${dc}${typeof nspace !== 'undefined' ? `&ns=${nspace}` : ``}${ typeof partition !== 'undefined' ? `&partition=${partition}` : `` }`, }; return get(request.url).then(function(payload) { const expected = => Object.assign( {}, { Key: item, }, { Datacenter: dc, // the payload here is just an array of strings // so we reuse the query param Namespace: nspace || undefinedNspace, Partition: partition || undefinedPartition, uid: `["${partition || undefinedPartition}","${nspace || undefinedNspace}","${dc}","${item}"]`, } ) ); const actual = serializer.respondForQuery( function(cb) { const headers = { [DC]: dc, [NSPACE]: nspace || undefinedNspace, [PARTITION]: partition || undefinedPartition, }; const body = payload; return cb(headers, body); }, { dc: dc, ns: nspace, partition: partition, } ); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); }); test(`respondForQueryRecord returns the correct data for item endpoint when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) { const serializer = this.owner.lookup('serializer:kv'); const request = { url: `/v1/kv/${id}?dc=${dc}${typeof nspace !== 'undefined' ? `&ns=${nspace}` : ``}${ typeof partition !== 'undefined' ? `&partition=${partition}` : `` }`, }; return get(request.url).then(function(payload) { const expected = Object.assign({}, payload[0], { Datacenter: dc, [META]: { [DC.toLowerCase()]: dc, [NSPACE.toLowerCase()]: nspace || undefinedNspace, [PARTITION.toLowerCase()]: partition || undefinedPartition, }, Namespace: payload[0].Namespace || undefinedNspace, uid: `["${payload[0].Partition || undefinedPartition}","${payload[0].Namespace || undefinedNspace}","${dc}","${id}"]`, }); const actual = serializer.respondForQueryRecord( function(cb) { const headers = { [DC]: dc, [NSPACE]: nspace || undefinedNspace, [PARTITION]: partition || undefinedPartition, }; const body = payload; return cb(headers, body); }, { dc: dc, ns: nspace || undefinedNspace, partition: partition || undefinedPartition, id: id, } ); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); }); }); });