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"path": "connect/config-entries/ingress-gateway" }, { "title": "Proxy Defaults", "path": "connect/config-entries/proxy-defaults" }, { "title": "Service Defaults", "path": "connect/config-entries/service-defaults" }, { "title": "Service Intentions", "path": "connect/config-entries/service-intentions" }, { "title": "Service Resolver", "path": "connect/config-entries/service-resolver" }, { "title": "Service Router", "path": "connect/config-entries/service-router" }, { "title": "Service Splitter", "path": "connect/config-entries/service-splitter" }, { "title": "Terminating Gateway", "path": "connect/config-entries/terminating-gateway" } ] }, { "title": "Supported Proxies", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/proxies" }, { "title": "Envoy", "path": "connect/proxies/envoy" }, { "title": "Built-in Proxy", "path": "connect/proxies/built-in" }, { "title": "Proxy Integration", "path": "connect/proxies/integrate" } ] }, { "title": "Registering Proxies", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/registration" }, { "title": "Proxy Service Registration", "path": "connect/registration/service-registration" }, { "title": "Sidecar Service Registration", "path": "connect/registration/sidecar-service" } ] }, { "title": "Service-to-service permissions - Intentions", "path": "connect/intentions" }, { "title": "Service-to-service permissions - Intentions (Legacy Mode)", "path": "connect/intentions-legacy" }, { "title": "Observability", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/observability" }, { "title": "UI Visualization", "path": "connect/observability/ui-visualization" } ] }, { "title": "L7 Traffic Management", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/l7-traffic" }, { "title": "Discovery Chain", "path": "connect/l7-traffic/discovery-chain" } ] }, { "title": "Connectivity Tasks", "path": "connect/connectivity-tasks" }, { "title": "Gateways", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/gateways" }, { "title": "Connect Datacenters - Mesh Gateways", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/gateways/mesh-gateway" }, { "title": "WAN Federation", "path": "connect/gateways/mesh-gateway/wan-federation-via-mesh-gateways" } ] }, { "title": "External <> Internal Services - Ingress Gateways", "path": "connect/gateways/ingress-gateway" }, { "title": "Internal <> External Services - Terminating Gateways", "path": "connect/gateways/terminating-gateway" } ] }, { "title": "Nomad", "path": "connect/nomad" }, { "title": "Kubernetes", "href": "/docs/k8s/connect" }, { "title": "Native App Integration", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/native" }, { "title": "Go Integration", "path": "connect/native/go" } ] }, { "title": "Certificate Management", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "connect/ca" }, { "title": "Built-In CA", "path": "connect/ca/consul" }, { "title": "Vault", "path": "connect/ca/vault" }, { "title": "ACM Private CA", "path": "connect/ca/aws" } ] }, { "title": "Develop and Debug", "path": "connect/dev" } ] }, { "title": "Kubernetes", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "k8s" }, { "title": "Get Started", "routes": [ { "title": "Install with Helm Chart", "path": "k8s/installation/install" }, { "title": "Platform Guides", "routes": [ { "title": "Minikube", "href": "https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-minikube?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=mk" }, { "title": "Kind", "href": "https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-kind?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=kind" }, { "title": "AKS (Azure)", "href": "https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-aks-azure?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=aks" }, { "title": "EKS (AWS)", "href": "https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-eks-aws?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=eks" }, { "title": "GKE (Google Cloud)", "href": 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"path": "k8s/crds/upgrade-to-crds" } ] }, { "title": "Consul DNS", "path": "k8s/dns" }, { "title": "Upgrade", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "k8s/upgrade" }, { "title": "Compatibility Matrix", "path": "k8s/upgrade/compatibility" } ] }, { "title": "Operations", "routes": [ { "title": "Uninstall", "path": "k8s/operations/uninstall" }, { "title": "Certificate Rotation", "path": "k8s/operations/certificate-rotation" }, { "title": "Configure TLS on an Existing Cluster", "path": "k8s/operations/tls-on-existing-cluster" } ] }, { "title": "Troubleshoot", "routes": [ { "title": "Common Error Messages", "href": "/docs/troubleshoot/common-errors#common-errors-on-kubernetes" }, { "title": "FAQ", "href": "/docs/troubleshoot/faq#consul-on-kubernetes" } ] }, { "title": "Helm Chart Configuration", "path": "k8s/helm" } ] }, { "title": "Network Infrastructure Automation", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "nia" }, { "title": "Get Started", "routes": [ { "title": "Installation", 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"path": "dynamic-app-config/kv" }, { "title": "Sessions", "path": "dynamic-app-config/sessions" }, { "title": "Watches", "path": "dynamic-app-config/watches" } ] }, { "title": "Agent", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "agent" }, { "title": "Configuration", "path": "agent/options" }, { "title": "Configuration Entries", "path": "agent/config-entries" }, { "title": "Telemetry", "path": "agent/telemetry" } ] }, { "title": "Security", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "security" }, { "title": "Access Control (ACLs)", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "security/acl" }, { "title": "ACL System", "path": "security/acl/acl-system" }, { "title": "ACL Rules", "path": "security/acl/acl-rules" }, { "title": "Legacy Mode", "path": "security/acl/acl-legacy" }, { "title": "Token Migration", "path": "security/acl/acl-migrate-tokens" }, { "title": "Auth Methods", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "security/acl/auth-methods" }, { "title": "Kubernetes", "path": "security/acl/auth-methods/kubernetes" }, { "title": "JWT", "path": "security/acl/auth-methods/jwt" }, { "title": "OIDC", "path": "security/acl/auth-methods/oidc" } ] } ] }, { "title": "Encryption", "path": "security/encryption" }, { "title": "Security Models", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "security/security-models" }, { "title": "Core", "path": "security/security-models/core" }, { "title": "Network Infrastructure Automation", "path": "security/security-models/nia" } ] } ] }, { "title": "Enterprise Features", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "enterprise" }, { "title": "Audit Logging", "path": "enterprise/audit-logging" }, { "title": "Automated Backups", "path": "enterprise/backups" }, { "title": "Automated Upgrades", "path": "enterprise/upgrades" }, { "title": "Enhanced Read Scalability", "path": "enterprise/read-scale" }, { "title": "Single sign-on - OIDC", "href": "/docs/security/acl/auth-methods/oidc" }, { "title": "Redundancy Zones", "path": "enterprise/redundancy" }, { "title": "Advanced Federation", "path": "enterprise/federation" }, { "title": "Namespaces", "path": "enterprise/namespaces" }, { "title": "Network Segments", "path": "enterprise/network-segments" }, { "title": "Sentinel", "path": "enterprise/sentinel" } ] }, { "title": "Architecture", "routes": [ { "title": "Overview", "path": "architecture" }, { "title": "Anti-Entropy", "path": "architecture/anti-entropy" }, { "title": "Consensus Protocol", "path": "architecture/consensus" }, { "title": "Gossip Protocol", "path": "architecture/gossip" }, { "title": "Jepsen Testing", "path": "architecture/jepsen" }, { "title": "Network Coordinates", "path": "architecture/coordinates" } ] }, { "title": "Integrations", "routes": [ { "title": "Consul Integration Program", "path": "integrate/partnerships" }, { "title": "NIA Integration Program", "path": "integrate/nia-integration" }, { "title": "Vault Integration", "href": "/docs/connect/ca/vault" }, { "title": "Ambassador 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