@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / services / instances / navigation Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1" And 1 proxy model from yaml --- ServiceName: service-0-proxy Node: node-0 ServiceID: service-a-proxy --- And 3 instance models from yaml --- - Service: Name: service-0 ID: service-a Node: Node: node-0 Checks: - Status: critical - Service: Name: service-0 ID: service-b Node: Node: node-0 Checks: - Status: passing # A listing of instances from 2 services would never happen in consul but # this satisfies our mocking needs for the moment, until we have a 'And 1 # proxy on request.0 from yaml', 'And 1 proxy on request.1 from yaml' or # similar - Service: Name: service-0-proxy ID: service-a-proxy Node: Node: node-0 Checks: - Status: passing --- Scenario: Clicking a instance in the listing and back again When I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: dc-1 service: service-0 --- And I click instances on the tabs Then the url should be /dc-1/services/service-0/instances Then I see 3 instance models When I click instance on the instances component Then a GET request was made to "/v1/catalog/connect/service-0?dc=dc-1&ns=@namespace" Then a GET request was made to "/v1/health/service/service-0-proxy?dc=dc-1&ns=@namespace" Then the url should be /dc-1/services/service-0/instances/node-0/service-a/health-checks And I click "[data-test-back]" Then the url should be /dc-1/services/service-0/topology And I click instances on the tabs When I click instance on the instances component Then a GET request was made to "/v1/catalog/connect/service-0?dc=dc-1&ns=@namespace" Then a GET request was made to "/v1/health/service/service-0-proxy?dc=dc-1&ns=@namespace" Then the url should be /dc-1/services/service-0/instances/node-0/service-a/health-checks