@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / services / instances / health-checks Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1" And 1 proxy model from yaml --- - ServiceProxy: DestinationServiceName: service-1 DestinationServiceID: ~ --- Scenario: A failing serf check Given 2 instance models from yaml --- - Service: ID: service-0-with-id Node: Node: node-0 - Service: ID: service-1-with-id Node: Node: another-node Checks: - Type: '' Name: Serf Health Status CheckID: serfHealth Status: critical Output: ouch --- When I visit the instance page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 node: another-node id: service-1-with-id --- Then the url should be /dc1/services/service-0/instances/another-node/service-1-with-id/health-checks And I see healthChecksIsSelected on the tabs And I see criticalSerfNotice on the tabs.healthChecksTab Scenario: A passing serf check Given 2 instance models from yaml --- - Service: ID: service-0-with-id Node: Node: node-0 - Service: ID: service-1-with-id Node: Node: another-node Checks: - Type: '' Name: Serf Health Status CheckID: serfHealth Status: passing Output: Agent alive and reachable --- When I visit the instance page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 node: another-node id: service-1-with-id --- Then the url should be /dc1/services/service-0/instances/another-node/service-1-with-id/health-checks And I see healthChecksIsSelected on the tabs And I don't see criticalSerfNotice on the tabs.healthChecksTab