import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get, set } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; const DEFAULTS = { tabSize: 2, lineNumbers: true, theme: 'hashi', showCursorWhenSelecting: true, gutters: ['CodeMirror-lint-markers'], lint: true, }; export default Component.extend({ settings: service('settings'), dom: service('dom'), helper: service('code-mirror/linter'), classNames: ['code-editor'], readonly: false, syntax: '', // TODO: Change this to oninput to be consistent? We'll have to do it throughout the templates onkeyup: function() {}, oninput: function() {}, init: function() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'modes', get(this, 'helper').modes()); }, didReceiveAttrs: function() { this._super(...arguments); const editor = get(this, 'editor'); if (editor) { editor.setOption('readOnly', get(this, 'readonly')); } }, setMode: function(mode) { set(this, 'options', { ...DEFAULTS, mode: mode.mime, readOnly: get(this, 'readonly'), }); const editor = get(this, 'editor'); editor.setOption('mode', mode.mime); get(this, 'helper').lint(editor, mode.mode); set(this, 'mode', mode); }, willDestroyElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); if ( {; } }, didInsertElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); const $code = get(this, 'dom').element('textarea ~ pre code', get(this, 'element')); if ($code.firstChild) { = new MutationObserver(([e]) => { this.oninput(set(this, 'value',; });$code, { attributes: false, subtree: true, childList: false, characterData: true, }); set(this, 'value', $code.firstChild.wholeText); } set(this, 'editor', get(this, 'helper').getEditor(this.element)); get(this, 'settings') .findBySlug('code-editor') .then(mode => { const modes = get(this, 'modes'); const syntax = get(this, 'syntax'); if (syntax) { mode = modes.find(function(item) { return == syntax.toLowerCase(); }); } mode = !mode ? modes[0] : mode; this.setMode(mode); }); }, didAppear: function() { get(this, 'editor').refresh(); }, actions: { change: function(value) { get(this, 'settings').persist({ 'code-editor': value, }); this.setMode(value); }, }, });