App.DcController = Ember.Controller.extend({ // Whether or not the dropdown menu can be seen isDropdownVisible: false, datacenter: function() { return this.get('content') }.property('Content'), checks: function() { var nodes = this.get('nodes'); var checks = Ember.A() // Combine the checks from all of our nodes // into one. nodes.forEach(function(item) { checks = checks.concat(item.Checks) }); return checks }.property('nodes'), // Returns the total number of failing checks. // // We treat any non-passing checks as failing // totalChecksFailing: function() { var checks = this.get('checks') return (checks.filterBy('Status', 'critical').get('length') + checks.filterBy('Status', 'warning').get('length')) }.property('nodes'), // // Returns the human formatted message for the button state // checkMessage: function() { var checks = this.get('checks') var failingChecks = this.get('totalChecksFailing'); var passingChecks = checks.filterBy('Status', 'passing').get('length'); if (this.get('hasFailingChecks') == true) { return failingChecks + ' checks failing'; } else { return passingChecks + ' checks passing'; } }.property('nodes'), // // Boolean if the datacenter has any failing checks. // hasFailingChecks: function() { var failingChecks = this.get('totalChecksFailing') return (failingChecks > 0); }.property('nodes'), actions: { // Hide and show the dropdown menu toggle: function(item){ this.toggleProperty('isDropdownVisible'); }, // Just hide the dropdown menu hideDrop: function(item){ this.set('isDropdownVisible', false); } } }) // Add mixins App.KvShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend(Ember.Validations.Mixin); App.KvShowController.reopen({ needs: ["dc"], dc: Ember.computed.alias("controllers.dc"), isLoading: false, actions: { // Creates the key from the newKey model // set on the route. createKey: function() { this.set('isLoading', true); var newKey = this.get('newKey'); var parentKey = this.get('parentKey'); var grandParentKey = this.get('grandParentKey'); var controller = this; var dc = this.get('dc').get('datacenter'); // If we don't have a previous model to base // on our parent, or we're not at the root level, // add the prefix if (parentKey != undefined && parentKey != "/") { newKey.set('Key', (parentKey + newKey.get('Key'))); } // Put the Key and the Value retrieved from the form Ember.$.ajax({ url: ("/v1/kv/" + newKey.get('Key') + '?dc=' + dc), type: 'PUT', data: newKey.get('Value') }).then(function(response) { // transition to the right place if (newKey.get('isFolder') == true) { controller.transitionToRoute('', newKey.get('urlSafeKey')); } else { controller.transitionToRoute('kv.edit', newKey.get('urlSafeKey')); } controller.set('isLoading', false) }).fail(function(response) { // Render the error message on the form if the request failed controller.set('errorMessage', 'Received error while processing: ' + response.statusText) }); } } }); App.KvEditController = Ember.Controller.extend({ isLoading: false, needs: ["dc"], dc: Ember.computed.alias("controllers.dc"), actions: { // Updates the key set as the model on the route. updateKey: function() { this.set('isLoading', true); var dc = this.get('dc').get('datacenter'); var key = this.get("model"); var controller = this; // Put the key and the decoded (plain text) value // from the form. Ember.$.ajax({ url: ("/v1/kv/" + key.get('Key') + '?dc=' + dc), type: 'PUT', data: key.get('valueDecoded') }).then(function(response) { // If success, just reset the loading state. controller.set('isLoading', false) }).fail(function(response) { // Render the error message on the form if the request failed controller.set('errorMessage', 'Received error while processing: ' + response.statusText) }) }, deleteKey: function() { this.set('isLoading', true); var key = this.get("model"); var controller = this; var dc = this.get('dc').get('datacenter'); // Get the parent for the transition back up a level // after the delete var parent = key.get('urlSafeParentKey'); // Delete the key Ember.$.ajax({ url: ("/v1/kv/" + key.get('Key') + '?dc=' + dc), type: 'DELETE' }).then(function(response) { // Tranisiton back up a level controller.transitionToRoute('', parent); controller.set('isLoading', false); }).fail(function(response) { // Render the error message on the form if the request failed controller.set('errorMessage', 'Received error while processing: ' + response.statusText) }) } } });