variable "platform" { default = "ubuntu" description = "The OS Platform" } variable "user" { default = { ubuntu = "ubuntu" rhel6 = "ec2-user" centos6 = "centos" centos7 = "centos" rhel7 = "ec2-user" } } variable "ami" { description = "AWS AMI Id, if you change, make sure it is compatible with instance type, not all AMIs allow all instance types " default = { ap-south-1-ubuntu = "ami-08a5e367" us-east-1-ubuntu = "ami-d651b8ac" ap-northeast-1-ubuntu = "ami-8422ebe2" eu-west-1-ubuntu = "ami-17d11e6e" ap-southeast-1-ubuntu = "ami-e6d3a585" ca-central-1-ubuntu = "ami-e59c2581" us-west-1-ubuntu = "ami-2d5c6d4d" eu-central-1-ubuntu = "ami-5a922335" sa-east-1-ubuntu = "ami-a3e39ecf" ap-southeast-2-ubuntu = "ami-391ff95b" eu-west-2-ubuntu = "ami-e1f2e185" ap-northeast-2-ubuntu = "ami-0f6fb461" us-west-2-ubuntu = "ami-ecc63a94" us-east-2-ubuntu = "ami-9686a4f3" us-east-1-rhel6 = "ami-0d28fe66" us-east-2-rhel6 = "ami-aff2a9ca" us-west-2-rhel6 = "ami-3d3c0a0d" us-east-1-centos6 = "ami-57cd8732" us-east-2-centos6 = "ami-c299c2a7" us-west-2-centos6 = "ami-1255b321" us-east-1-rhel7 = "ami-2051294a" us-east-2-rhel7 = "ami-0a33696f" us-west-2-rhel7 = "ami-775e4f16" us-east-1-centos7 = "ami-6d1c2007" us-east-2-centos7 = "ami-6a2d760f" us-west-1-centos7 = "ami-af4333cf" } } variable "service_conf" { default = { ubuntu = "debian_consul.service" rhel6 = "rhel_upstart.conf" centos6 = "rhel_upstart.conf" centos7 = "rhel_consul.service" rhel7 = "rhel_consul.service" } } variable "service_conf_dest" { default = { ubuntu = "consul.service" rhel6 = "upstart.conf" centos6 = "upstart.conf" centos7 = "consul.service" rhel7 = "consul.service" } } variable "key_name" { description = "SSH key name in your AWS account for AWS instances." } variable "key_path" { description = "Path to the private key specified by key_name." } variable "region" { default = "us-east-1" description = "The region of AWS, for AMI lookups." } variable "servers" { default = "3" description = "The number of Consul servers to launch." } variable "instance_type" { default = "t2.micro" description = "AWS Instance type, if you change, make sure it is compatible with AMI, not all AMIs allow all instance types " } variable "tagName" { default = "consul" description = "Name tag for the servers" } variable "subnets" { type = "map" description = "map of subnets to deploy your infrastructure in, must have as many keys as your server count (default 3), -var 'subnets={\"0\"=\"subnet-12345\",\"1\"=\"subnets-23456\"}' " } variable "vpc_id" { type = "string" description = "ID of the VPC to use - in case your account doesn't have default VPC" }