/* eslint no-console: "off" */ import yadda from './helpers/yadda'; import { currentURL, click, triggerKeyEvent, find } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import getDictionary from '@hashicorp/ember-cli-api-double/dictionary'; import pages from 'consul-ui/tests/pages'; import api from 'consul-ui/tests/helpers/api'; const create = function(number, name, value) { // don't return a promise here as // I don't need it to wait api.server.createList(name, number, value); }; var currentPage; export default function(assert) { return ( yadda.localisation.English.library( getDictionary(function(model, cb) { switch (model) { case 'datacenter': case 'datacenters': case 'dcs': model = 'dc'; break; case 'services': model = 'service'; break; case 'nodes': model = 'node'; break; case 'kvs': model = 'kv'; break; case 'acls': model = 'acl'; break; } cb(null, model); }, yadda) ) // doubles .given(['$number $model model[s]?', '$number $model models'], function(number, model) { return create(number, model); }) .given(['$number $model model[s]? with the value "$value"'], function(number, model, value) { return create(number, model, value); }) .given( ['$number $model model[s]? from yaml\n$yaml', '$number $model model[s]? from json\n$json'], function(number, model, data) { return create(number, model, data); } ) // interactions .when('I visit the $name page', function(name) { currentPage = pages[name]; return currentPage.visit(); }) .when('I visit the $name page for the "$id" $model', function(name, id, model) { currentPage = pages[name]; return currentPage.visit({ [model]: id, }); }) .when( ['I visit the $name page for yaml\n$yaml', 'I visit the $name page for json\n$json'], function(name, data) { currentPage = pages[name]; // TODO: Consider putting an assertion here for testing the current url // do I absolutely definitely need that all the time? return pages[name].visit(data); } ) .when('I click "$selector"', function(selector) { return click(selector); }) .when('I click $prop on the $component', function(prop, component) { // Collection var obj; if (typeof currentPage[component].objectAt === 'function') { obj = currentPage[component].objectAt(0); } else { obj = currentPage[component]; } const func = obj[prop].bind(obj); try { return func(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new Error(`The '${prop}' property on the '${component}' page object doesn't exist`); } }) .when('I submit', function(selector) { return currentPage.submit(); }) .then('I fill in "$name" with "$value"', function(name, value) { return currentPage.fillIn(name, value); }) .then(['I fill in with yaml\n$yaml', 'I fill in with json\n$json'], function(data) { return Object.keys(data).reduce(function(prev, item, i, arr) { return prev.fillIn(item, data[item]); }, currentPage); }) .then(['I type with yaml\n$yaml'], function(data) { const keys = Object.keys(data); return keys .reduce(function(prev, item, i, arr) { return prev.fillIn(item, data[item]); }, currentPage) .then(function() { return Promise.all( keys.map(function(item) { return triggerKeyEvent(`[name="${item}"]`, 'keyup', 83); }) ); }); }) // debugging helpers .then('print the current url', function(url) { console.log(currentURL()); return Promise.resolve(); }) .then('log the "$text"', function(text) { console.log(text); return Promise.resolve(); }) .then('pause for $milliseconds', function(milliseconds) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds); }); }) // assertions .then('a $method request is made to "$url" with the body from yaml\n$yaml', function( method, url, data ) { const request = api.server.history[api.server.history.length - 2]; assert.equal( request.method, method, `Expected the request method to be ${method}, was ${request.method}` ); assert.equal(request.url, url, `Expected the request url to be ${url}, was ${request.url}`); const body = JSON.parse(request.requestBody); Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key, i, arr) { assert.equal( body[key], data[key], `Expected the payload to contain ${key} to equal ${body[key]}, ${key} was ${data[key]}` ); }); }) // TODO: This one can replace the above one, it covers more use cases // also DRY it out a bit .then('a $method request is made to "$url" from yaml\n$yaml', function(method, url, yaml) { const request = api.server.history[api.server.history.length - 2]; assert.equal( request.method, method, `Expected the request method to be ${method}, was ${request.method}` ); assert.equal(request.url, url, `Expected the request url to be ${url}, was ${request.url}`); let data = yaml.body || {}; const body = JSON.parse(request.requestBody); Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key, i, arr) { assert.equal( body[key], data[key], `Expected the payload to contain ${key} to equal ${body[key]}, ${key} was ${data[key]}` ); }); data = yaml.headers || {}; const headers = request.requestHeaders; Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key, i, arr) { assert.equal( headers[key], data[key], `Expected the payload to contain ${key} to equal ${headers[key]}, ${key} was ${ data[key] }` ); }); }) .then('a $method request is made to "$url" with the body "$body"', function( method, url, data ) { const request = api.server.history[api.server.history.length - 2]; assert.equal( request.method, method, `Expected the request method to be ${method}, was ${request.method}` ); assert.equal(request.url, url, `Expected the request url to be ${url}, was ${request.url}`); const body = request.requestBody; assert.equal( body, data, `Expected the request body to be ${body}, was ${request.requestBody}` ); }) .then('a $method request is made to "$url"', function(method, url) { const request = api.server.history[api.server.history.length - 2]; assert.equal( request.method, method, `Expected the request method to be ${method}, was ${request.method}` ); assert.equal(request.url, url, `Expected the request url to be ${url}, was ${request.url}`); }) .then('the url should be $url', function(url) { // TODO: nice! $url should be wrapped in "" if (url === "''") { url = ''; } const current = currentURL() || ''; assert.equal(current, url, `Expected the url to be ${url} was ${current}`); }) .then(['I see $num $model', 'I see $num $model model', 'I see $num $model models'], function( num, model ) { const len = currentPage[`${model}s`].filter(function(item) { return item.isVisible; }).length; assert.equal(len, num, `Expected ${num} ${model}s, saw ${len}`); }) .then(['I see $num $model model with the $property "$value"'], function( num, model, property, value ) { const len = currentPage[`${model}s`].filter(function(item) { return item.isVisible && item[property] == value; }).length; assert.equal( len, num, `Expected ${num} ${model}s with ${property} set to "${value}", saw ${len}` ); }) .then('I see $property on the $component like yaml\n$yaml', function( property, component, yaml ) { const _component = currentPage[component]; const iterator = new Array(_component.length).fill(true); iterator.forEach(function(item, i, arr) { const actual = _component.objectAt(i)[property]; // anything coming from the DOM is going to be text/strings // if the yaml has numbers, cast them to strings // TODO: This would get problematic for deeper objects // will have to look to do this recursively const expected = typeof yaml[i] === 'number' ? yaml[i].toString() : yaml[i]; assert.deepEqual( actual, expected, `Expected to see ${property} on ${component}[${i}] as ${JSON.stringify( expected )}, was ${JSON.stringify(actual)}` ); }); }) .then(['I see $property on the $component'], function(property, component) { // TODO: Time to work on repetition // Collection var obj; if (typeof currentPage[component].objectAt === 'function') { obj = currentPage[component].objectAt(0); } else { obj = currentPage[component]; } let _component; if (typeof obj === 'function') { const func = obj[property].bind(obj); try { _component = func(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new Error( `The '${property}' property on the '${component}' page object doesn't exist` ); } } else { _component = obj; } assert.ok(_component[property], `Expected to see ${property} on ${component}`); }) .then(["I don't see $property on the $component"], function(property, component) { // Collection var obj; if (typeof currentPage[component].objectAt === 'function') { obj = currentPage[component].objectAt(0); } else { obj = currentPage[component]; } const func = obj[property].bind(obj); assert.throws( function() { func(); }, function(e) { return e.toString().indexOf('Element not found') !== -1; }, `Expected to not see ${property} on ${component}` ); }) .then(['I see $property'], function(property, component) { assert.ok(currentPage[property], `Expected to see ${property}`); }) .then(['I see the text "$text" in "$selector"'], function(text, selector) { assert.ok( find(selector).textContent.indexOf(text) !== -1, `Expected to see "${text}" in "${selector}"` ); }) // TODO: Think of better language // TODO: These should be mergeable .then(['"$selector" has the "$class" class'], function(selector, cls) { // because `find` doesn't work, guessing its sandboxed to ember's container assert.ok(document.querySelector(selector).classList.contains(cls)); }) .then(['"$selector" doesn\'t have the "$class" class'], function(selector, cls) { assert.ok(!document.querySelector(selector).classList.contains(cls)); }) .then('ok', function() { assert.ok(true); }) ); }