@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / peers / regenerate: Regenerate Peer Token Scenario: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 peer model from yaml --- Name: peer-name State: ACTIVE # dialer does not have a PeerID PeerID: null --- And the url "/v1/peering/token" responds with from yaml --- body: PeeringToken: an-encoded-token --- When I visit the peers page for yaml --- dc: datacenter --- And I click actions on the peers And I click regenerate on the peers Then I see the text "an-encoded-token" in ".consul-peer-form-generate code" Scenario: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 peer model from yaml --- Name: peer-name State: ACTIVE # receiver holds a PeerID PeerID: some-id --- When I visit the peers page for yaml --- dc: datacenter --- And I click actions on the peers Then I don't see regenerate on peers