import RepositoryService from 'consul-ui/services/repository'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import { set } from '@ember/object'; const modelName = 'oidc-provider'; const OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME = 'oidc-with-url'; export default RepositoryService.extend({ manager: service('torii'), init: function() { this._super(...arguments); this.provider = getOwner(this).lookup(`torii-provider:${OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME}`); }, getModelName: function() { return modelName; }, authorize: function(id, code, state, dc, nspace, configuration = {}) { const query = { id: id, code: code, state: state, dc: dc, ns: nspace, }; return, query); }, logout: function(id, code, state, dc, nspace, configuration = {}) { // TODO: Temporarily call this secret, as we alreayd do that with // self in the `store` look to see whether we should just call it id like // the rest const query = { id: id, }; return, query); }, close: function() { this.manager.close(OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME); }, findCodeByURL: function(src) { // TODO: Maybe move this to the provider itself set(this.provider, 'baseUrl', src); return, {}).catch(e => { let err; switch (true) { case e.message.startsWith('remote was closed'): err = new Error('Remote was closed'); err.statusCode = 499; break; default: err = new Error(e.message); err.statusCode = 500; }; }); }, });