export default function(scenario, assert, find, currentPage, pauseUntil, pluralize) { scenario .then('pause until I see $number $model model[s]?', function(num, model) { return pauseUntil(function(resolve) { const len = currentPage()[pluralize(model)].filter(function(item) { return item.isVisible; }).length; if (len === num) { assert.equal(len, num, `Expected ${num} ${model}s, saw ${len}`); resolve(); } }); }) .then(['I see $num $model model[s]?'], function(num, model) { const len = currentPage()[pluralize(model)].filter(function(item) { return item.isVisible; }).length; assert.equal(len, num, `Expected ${num} ${pluralize(model)}, saw ${len}`); }) .then(['I see $num $model model[s]? on the $component component'], function( num, model, component ) { const obj = find(component); const len = obj[pluralize(model)].filter(function(item) { return item.isVisible; }).length; assert.equal(len, num, `Expected ${num} ${pluralize(model)}, saw ${len}`); }) // TODO: I${ dont } see .then([`I see $num $model model[s]? with the $property "$value"`], function( // negate, num, model, property, value ) { const len = currentPage()[pluralize(model)].filter(function(item) { return item.isVisible && item[property] == value; }).length; assert.equal( len, num, `Expected ${num} ${pluralize(model)} with ${property} set to "${value}", saw ${len}` ); }); }