--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Commands: KV Import" sidebar_current: "docs-commands-kv-import" --- # Consul KV Import Command: `consul kv import` The `kv import` command is used to import KV pairs from the JSON representation generated by the `kv export` command. ## Usage Usage: `consul kv import [DATA]` #### API Options <%= partial "docs/commands/http_api_options_client" %> <%= partial "docs/commands/http_api_options_server" %> ## Examples To import from a file, prepend the filename with `@`: ``` $ consul kv import @values.json # Output ``` To import from stdin, use `-` as the data parameter: ``` $ cat values.json | consul kv import - # Output ``` You can also pass the JSON directly, however care must be taken with shell escaping: ``` $ consul kv import "$(cat values.json)" # Output ```