import Component from '@ember/component'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { set } from '@ember/object'; export default Component.extend({ dom: service('dom'), // TODO(octane): Remove when we can move to glimmer components // so we aren't using ember-test-selectors // supportsDataTestProperties: true, // the above doesn't seem to do anything so still need to find a way // to pass through data-test-properties tagName: '', // TODO: reserved for the moment but we don't need it yet onblur: null, onchange: function() {}, init: function() { this._super(...arguments); this.guid = this.dom.guid(this); this._listeners = this.dom.listeners(); }, didInsertElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); // TODO(octane): move to ref set(this, 'input', this.dom.element(`#toggle-button-${this.guid}`)); set(this, 'label', this.input.nextElementSibling); }, willDestroyElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._listeners.remove(); }, actions: { click: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.input.checked = !this.input.checked; this.actions.change.apply(this, [e]); }, change: function(e) { if (this.input.checked) { // default onblur event this._listeners.remove(); this._listeners.add(this.dom.document(), 'click', e => { if (this.dom.isOutside(this.label, { this.input.checked = false; // TODO: This should be an event this.onchange(this.input.checked); this._listeners.remove(); } }); } // TODO: This should be an event this.onchange(this.input.checked); }, }, });