brand: consul: Consul consul-api-gateway: Consul API Gateway terraform: Terraform nomad: Nomad vault: Vault aws: AWS kubernetes: Kubernetes jwt: JWT oidc: OIDC ui: remove: Remove {item} filtered-by: Filtered by {item} name: Name creation: Creation maxttl: Max TTL consul: name: Name passing: Passing warning: Warning critical: Critical registered: Registered not-registered: Not Registered empty: No checks tags: Tags service: Service gateway: Gateway mesh: Mesh ingress-gateway: Ingress Gateway terminating-gateway: Terminating Gateway mesh-gateway: Mesh Gateway status: Health Status service-name: Service Name node-name: Node Name accessorid: AccessorID datacenter: Datacenter localbindaddress: Local Bind Address localbindport: Local Bind Port destinationname: Destination Name sourcename: Source Name displayname: Display Name search: search: Search searchproperty: Search Across source: Source critical: Failing in-mesh: In service mesh not-in-mesh: Not in service mesh sort: alpha: asc: A to Z desc: Z to A numeric: asc: Ascending desc: Descending age: asc: Oldest to Newest desc: Newest to Oldest duration: asc: Longest to shortest desc: Shortest to longest status: asc: Unhealthy to Healthy desc: Healthy to Unhealthy