import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit'; import repo from 'consul-ui/tests/helpers/repo'; import { get } from '@ember/object'; const NAME = 'coordinate'; moduleFor(`service:repository/${NAME}`, `Integration | Service | ${NAME}`, { // Specify the other units that are required for this test. integration: true, }); const dc = 'dc-1'; const nspace = 'default'; const now = new Date().getTime(); test('findAllByDatacenter returns the correct data for list endpoint', function(assert) { get(this.subject(), 'store').serializerFor(NAME).timestamp = function() { return now; }; return repo( 'Coordinate', 'findAllByDatacenter', this.subject(), function retrieveStub(stub) { return stub(`/v1/coordinate/nodes?dc=${dc}`, { CONSUL_NODE_COUNT: '100', }); }, function performTest(service) { return service.findAllByDatacenter(dc); }, function performAssertion(actual, expected) { assert.deepEqual( actual, expected(function(payload) { return => Object.assign({}, item, { SyncTime: now, Datacenter: dc, // TODO: nspace isn't required here, once we've // refactored out our Serializer this can go uid: `["${nspace}","${dc}","${item.Node}"]`, }) ); }) ); } ); });