import Model from 'ember-data/model'; import attr from 'ember-data/attr'; import { belongsTo } from 'ember-data/relationships'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { or, filter, alias } from '@ember/object/computed'; export const PRIMARY_KEY = 'uid'; export const SLUG_KEY = 'Node.Node,Service.ID'; export default Model.extend({ [PRIMARY_KEY]: attr('string'), [SLUG_KEY]: attr('string'), Datacenter: attr('string'), // ProxyInstance is the ember-data model relationship ProxyInstance: belongsTo('Proxy'), // Proxy is the actual JSON api response Proxy: attr(), Node: attr(), Service: attr(), Checks: attr(), SyncTime: attr('number'), meta: attr(), Name: or('Service.ID', 'Service.Service'), Tags: alias('Service.Tags'), Meta: alias('Service.Meta'), Namespace: alias('Service.Namespace'), ExternalSources: computed('Service.Meta', function() { const sources = Object.entries(this.Service.Meta || {}) .filter(([key, value]) => key === 'external-source') .map(([key, value]) => { return value; }); return [ Set(sources)]; }), ServiceChecks: filter('Checks.[]', function(item, i, arr) { return item.ServiceID !== ''; }), NodeChecks: filter('Checks.[]', function(item, i, arr) { return item.ServiceID === ''; }), Status: computed('ChecksPassing', 'ChecksWarning', 'ChecksCritical', function() { switch (true) { case this.ChecksCritical.length !== 0: return 'critical'; case this.ChecksWarning.length !== 0: return 'warning'; case this.ChecksPassing.length !== 0: return 'passing'; default: return 'empty'; } }), ChecksPassing: computed('Checks.[]', function() { return this.Checks.filter(item => item.Status === 'passing'); }), ChecksWarning: computed('Checks.[]', function() { return this.Checks.filter(item => item.Status === 'warning'); }), ChecksCritical: computed('Checks.[]', function() { return this.Checks.filter(item => item.Status === 'critical'); }), PercentageChecksPassing: computed('Checks.[]', 'ChecksPassing', function() { return (this.ChecksPassing.length / this.Checks.length) * 100; }), PercentageChecksWarning: computed('Checks.[]', 'ChecksWarning', function() { return (this.ChecksWarning.length / this.Checks.length) * 100; }), PercentageChecksCritical: computed('Checks.[]', 'ChecksCritical', function() { return (this.ChecksCritical.length / this.Checks.length) * 100; }), });