@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / services / show / topology: Intention Create Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 intention model from yaml --- SourceNS: default SourceName: web DestinationNS: default DestinationName: db ID: intention-id --- And 1 node model And 1 service model from yaml --- - Service: Name: web Kind: ~ --- And 1 topology model from yaml --- Downstreams: [] Upstreams: - Name: db Namespace: default Datacenter: datacenter Intention: {} --- When I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: datacenter service: web --- Scenario: Allow a connection between service and upstream by saving an intention When I click ".consul-topology-metrics [data-test-action]" And I click ".consul-topology-metrics [data-test-confirm]" And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class Scenario: There was an error saving the intention Given the url "/v1/connect/intentions/exact?source=default%2Fweb&destination=default%2Fdb&dc=datacenter" responds with a 500 status When I click ".consul-topology-metrics [data-test-action]" And I click ".consul-topology-metrics [data-test-confirm]" And "[data-notification]" has the "error" class