@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / acls / tokens / policies: ACL Token add existing policy Scenario: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 token model from yaml --- AccessorID: key Description: The Description Policies: ~ --- And 2 policy models from yaml --- - ID: policy-1 Name: Policy 1 - ID: policy-2 Name: Policy 2 --- When I visit the token page for yaml --- dc: datacenter token: key --- Then the url should be /datacenter/acls/tokens/key And I click "[data-test-policy-element] .ember-power-select-trigger" And I click ".ember-power-select-option:first-child" And I see 1 policy model And I click "[data-test-policy-element] .ember-power-select-trigger" And I click ".ember-power-select-option:nth-child(1)" And I see 2 policy models Then I fill in with yaml --- Description: The Description --- And I submit Then a PUT request is made to "/v1/acl/token/key?dc=datacenter" with the body from yaml --- Description: The Description Policies: - ID: policy-1 Name: Policy 1 - ID: policy-2 Name: Policy 2 --- Then the url should be /datacenter/acls/tokens And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-update" class And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class